Homeopathy Medicine for Otitis Externa


The term “otitis externa” refers to an inflammation of the ear canal, which is typically brought on by an infection but may occasionally be brought on by an allergy or irritation.

When otitis externa is brief-lived, it is referred to as “acute otitis externa,” but when it lasts for three months or longer, it is referred to as “chronic otitis externa.” Otitis externa typically goes away within a week or so.


The ear canal is a small, warm, blind-ended tunnel, making it a good protected environment for germs to grow in if they are given the chance. Otitis externa is an infection of the skin of the ear canal and is very common. Occasionally, they can be caused by a fungal or yeast infection.

Otitis externa can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Substances entering the ear

Itching and poking the ear can damage the skin in the ear canal and cause inflammation, which can quickly turn into an infection. This can create a vicious cycle where the itching and inflammation cause more itch, and the infection and inflammation cause more itch. If water gets into an ear frequently, this may provide moisture for germs to grow.


Regular swimmers are much more likely to develop otitis externa, also known as swimmer’s ear, as a result of water getting into the ear canal. It is more likely if they are swimming in unclean water, such as ponds.

Warm weather

Hot, muggy, and “sweaty” weather favors the development of otitis externa, which is more frequent in hotter countries.

Skin problems

The likelihood of otitis externa increases if eczema or psoriasis affect the ear canal and cause flaky, inflamed skin.

Excessive earwax

This can result in water and debris getting trapped in the ear canal, where they can be fertile ground for bacteria, which can then easily cause infection.

Ear syringing to clear earwax

Earwax protects the ear canal and if too little is left, infection is more likely to spread because it may irritate and inflame the delicate lining of the ear canal.

Middle ear infections

Otitis externa is a condition where there is persistent discharge from the middle ear (otitis media), which can get stuck in the ear canal.


Itching, ear discharge, temporary hearing loss, pain, and a full or blocked feeling in the ear are typical symptoms.

The neck or the area around the ear can occasionally develop enlarged and painful glands. Otitis externa can affect both ears, but it typically only affects one.


Acute otitis externa– this phrase denotes that they have only been afflicted for a short period of time, usually less than three months.

Recurrent otitis externa– this expression denotes a persistent condition.

Chronic otitis externa– this term indicates that the condition has persisted (lasted) for more than three months; in some cases, it may even persist for years. This frequently occurs because, despite receiving treatment, the underlying causes of the condition may still exist.

Homoeopathic Treatment

  • Belladonna
  • Calcarea Carbonica
  • Chamomilla
  • Lycopodium
  • Pulsatilla
  • Sulphur ,e.t.c

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