Homeopathy Medicine for Premenstrual Syndrome Or Premenstrual Tension Syndrome


Women, usually after 30 years of age complain of profound depression. Irritability, emotional outbursts and sometimes insomnia 7 to 10 days before menstruation. There may also be weight gain, sensation of bloating and pain in the breasts. The condition is PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME OR PREMENSTRUAL TENSION.The breasts may become full, tense, and painful, making it comfortable to wear everyday clothes, which may restrict daily activities and can modify the normal behavioral pattern. This syndrome is associated with emotional disturbances and includes a mixture of miseries, depression, tension, and frequently, premenstrual headache.


Although there is a long list of potential premenstrual syndrome symptoms, most women only encounter a small number of these issues.

Emotional and behavioral signs and symptoms

  • Tension or anxiety
  • Depressed mood
  • Crying spells
  • mood changes, irritation, or anger
  • cravings for food and changes in appetite
  • Trouble falling asleep (insomnia)
  • Social withdrawal
  • Poor concentration
  • Change in libido

Physical signs and symptoms

  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Retention of fluids and weight gain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Acne flare-ups
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Alcohol intolerance

Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, most women’s signs and symptoms go away four days after the start of their menstrual period. For some, the physical pain and emotional stress are so severe that they interfere with their daily lives.


Premenstrual syndrome may be brought on by a number of factors, although the exact cause is unknown.

  • Cyclic changes in hormones.Premenstrual syndrome symptoms disappear during pregnancy and menopause and change with hormonal changes.
  • Chemical changes in the brain.Inadequate levels of serotonin may contribute to premenstrual depression, as well as to fatigue, food cravings, and sleep issues. Serotonin is a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that fluctuates and is thought to play a crucial role in mood states.
  • Depression.Despite the fact that depression does not necessarily cause all of the symptoms in all women with severe premenstrual syndrome, some of them go undiagnosed


Leading symptoms, menstrual cycle characteristics, previous pregnancies’ characteristics, miscarriages, micturition, and, if married, dyspareunia and the use of contraception, should all be considered when taking a patient’s case history.

The severity of the patient’s acute symptoms will determine the appropriate course of treatment.

Calcarea carbonicais an antipsoric constitutional remedy used in cases where the patient experiences severe headaches, colic, chills, and leucorrhoea prior to menstruation, as well as cases where mental excitement triggers dysmenorrhoea or causes menstruation to return.

Calcarea phosphoricaNumerous complaints are related to the sexual organs, including nymphomania, which is characterized by an overwhelming desire prior to menstruation, a voluptuous sensation as though all the parts were filled with blood, and an increased urge to urinate as a result of the pulsations in all the parts.

Bovista lycoperdonhas acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, diarrhoea both before and after menstruation, and menstruation is worse at night.

Kalium carbonicumcorresponds to water retention, swollen breasts, and intense colicky pains before a period. Moods fluctuate, the patient weeps, and they are full of fears and fantasies.

Lac caninumPrior to menstruation, breasts are painful and swollen; however, once the flow begins, the symptoms subside and the floe is in gushes.

Pulsatilla nigricansnosebleeds occur both before and after suppressed menstruation, and it corresponds to a manic phase before menstruation.

Conium maculatumcorresponds to elderly individuals who are incapable of maintaining mental effort, depressed, shy, and socially awkward. The patient’s breasts enlarge and become painful to move around in. She is sad and dissatisfied with herself and her surroundings. Sympathy exacerbates this sadness, and the patient eventually becomes indifferent.

FolliculinumPremenstrual symptoms include migraine, increased pain at the time of menses, weight gain without excessive eating, development of acne on the forehead, seborrhea in the nostrils, and becoming hypersensitive to noise, contact, and heat. The woman also experiences vulvul pruritus and backache that may go away on the third day. Breasts also enlarge, swell, and cannot withstand touch and pressure.


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