Homeopathy Medicine for Retinal Migraine


Ocular migraines, also known as retinal migraines, are a rare form of migraine that are characterized by recurrent episodes of brief, impaired vision or blindness in one eye, which may come before or after headaches and nausea.


A temporary change in vision in one eye is one of the symptoms of a retinal migraine, which otherwise shares the same symptoms as a typical migraine.

Vision Loss :People with retinal migraines frequently lose vision in just one eye, usually for a brief period of 10 to 20 minutes, but occasionally for as long as an hour. Some people also experience a pattern of black spots called “scotomas,” which gradually enlarge and result in total loss of vision.

Partial Vision Loss :Others may experience a partial loss of vision in one eye, usually accompanied by blurry, dim vision or “scintillations,” which can last for up to 60 minutes.

Headaches :These headaches can last for a few hours to a few days and are frequently accompanied by physical sickness, nausea, and a painful throbbing of the head, which usually affects one side of the head and may feel worse when one is physically active. Retinal migraine sufferers may also experience headaches before, after, or during the attack on their vision.


When one of our eyes’ blood vessels begins to constrict, or narrow, it causes a retinal migraine, which reduces the amount of blood flowing to that eye. When the migraine is over, the blood vessels relax and open up, allowing blood flow to resume and vision to be restored.

Long-term damage to the eye from retinal migraines is uncommon, and some eye specialists think that they are caused by changes in nerve cells that spread across the retina. Although there is a small chance that the reduced blood flow will harm the retina, this can result in long-term vision loss.

Retinal migraines can be brought on by the following situations and activities:

  • intense exercise
  • smoking
  • tobacco use
  • dehydration
  • low blood sugar
  • hormonal levels being changed by birth control pills
  • hypertension
  • being in higher altitudes
  • hot temperatures
  • caffeine withdrawal

Retinal migraines can also be brought on by specific foods and beverages, such as:

  • nitrate-containing foods include processed meats like sausage, hot dogs, and hamburgers.
  • tyramine-containing foods include cured meats, smoked fish, and some soy products.
  • Snack chips, broths, soups, and seasonings are examples of products that contain monosodium glutamate.
  • Red wine and certain beers are among the alcoholic beverages.
  • foods and beverages containing caffeine


1. NATRUM MUR :Very effective medication for treating retinal migraine, which is characterized by episodes of blindness that are followed by throbbing, hammering headaches that are more prominent in the forehead and top of the head, burning sensations on the top of the head, nausea, and vomiting.

2. GELSEMIUM :The pain tends to get better by shaking the head. Very useful medicine for retinal migraine when episodes of blindness precede the headache. Useful when pain is most felt in the forehead and temples. There is a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the head that appears and the head feels as if it has increased in size.

3. IRIS VERSICOLORIS :When there is vision blurriness prior to the headache, this medication is very helpful for treating retinal migraines.

4. KALI BICHROME :Useful for retinal migraine when blurred or blinded vision precedes a headache, vision returns to normal as the headache worsens, and there is a desire to lie down and a sensitivity to light and noise during the headache.

5. BELLADONA :Most appropriate when face is red, flushed, and congested during headache. Nausea and vomiting may accompany with headache. Very helpful when light and noise make the headache worse and pressure relieves the headache. Useful for retinal migraine when dim vision appear with a headache. There is throbbing headache that is more marked in the temporal region.

RL 06

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