The terms school phobia, school avoidance, and school refusal describe an anxiety disorder in children who have an irrational, persistent fear of attending school. These children’s behavior differs from that of children who are truant and express no concern about missing school. Children with school avoidance want to be in close contact with their parents or caregiver, whereas truants do not. School phobic children are frequently insecure, sensitive, and do not know how to cope with social situations.

Parents of these children are frequently attentive and loving, but may be overprotective, which results in some students lacking self-confidence and the ability to cope with school life. Normal separation anxiety typically occurs between 18-24 months, and children this age may cling, cry, and/or have temper tantrums when they are separated from their parent. However, some older children continue to have difficulty being away from home.

Parents should be concerned if their child displays irrational anxiety, depression, or fear, and/or frequently claims that he or she feels too sick to go to school. Most kids object to going to school at some point, but a school-phobic child frequently misses many days for ambiguous reasons.


When examining the causes of school avoidance, it is important to take into account both home and school-related issues.

Home issues:A child may-

Be going through a family transition, such as a move, illness, separation, divorce, death, depression, or money issues.

Have missed class because of a protracted illness.

When not in school, take advantage of a parent’s full attention.

Be permitted to spend time playing with toys, watching TV, or playing video games instead of doing their homework.

Have an overly protective parent who reinforces the notion that being apart from them might be harmful.

Have a feeling that a tragedy is about to happen at home.

Fear that while the child is at school, an adult at home could harm a member of the family.

Be wary of nearby crime, weather-related disasters like fires and floods, etc.

School issues:A child may-

Fear of the teacher or other school staff criticizing, mocking, confronting, or punishing you.

Possess learning disabilities, such as a fear of public speaking, taking tests, getting bad grades, being quizzed, or performing on stage.

Fear of achieving subpar test results.

Pay attention when participating in school-related activities like singing a particular song, playing a particular game, going to an assembly, eating in the lunchroom, or getting dressed for physical education in front of other students.

Demonstrate poor athletic prowess, are selected last for a team, or are made fun of for subpar performance.

Anxiety about being teased about one’s appearance, clothing, weight, height, etc.

Experience social inadequacy as a result of inadequate social skills.

Experience bullying from classmates while attending class, while commuting to or from school, or while riding the school bus.

Hear about physical assault threats.

Find it challenging to settle in at a new school.

Experience urination problems when using a school bathroom.

Be mindful of the environment when using fresh carpet, scented cleaning products, or in classrooms with poor ventilation.


School phobia manifests as:

Frequently experiencing headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or other physical complaints that aren’t related to a physical illness.

Clinginess, temper tantrums, and/or panic attacks when forced to leave a parent or other caregiver.

• Anxiety when alone or in the dark.

Nightmares or difficulty falling asleep.

Fears of school, monsters, and animals that are exaggerated

Ongoing worries about one’s own or other people’s safety.

If a parent insists that their child attend school, school phobia typically goes away quickly, but if it does not, it is important to consult with school staff to develop a coordinated home and school strategy. If left untreated, chronic school phobias can worsen academic performance, peer relationships, work quality, and may even trigger adult anxiety, panic attacks, or psychiatric disorders.


· Behaviour therapy

· Drug treatment. Homoeopathy medicines.


When it comes to SCHOOL PHOBIA, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking the patient’s mental and physical symtoms into consideration. Homoeopathy is a growing system that is being practiced all over the world.


One of the most effective treatments for school phobia is baryta carbonica, which helps people who fear being teased by other students and have slow mental processing speeds and learning disabilities. These people also have poor memories, mental weakness, and a lack of motivation to learn. They are also slow to walk, talk, read, speak, and mature.


The child grips its mother’s hand and has a strong phobia of going to school; they experience severe stomach pain as a result; and they have a craving for cold beverages. Bismuthum is another effective treatment for this condition.


Calcarea carb prefers indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencil, etc. They prefer safety to high-risk behaviors. They are cautious. They prefer fat, fair, and flabby children who catch colds easily. They are forgetful, confused, misplace words, and express themselves incorrectly. Fears of being observed. Dull, lethargic children who do not want to play.


Calcarea phos is a remedy for negative effects of mental strain, such as headaches in school children with weak intelligence. Children are peevish and anxious, having difficulty performing intellectual operations. They are dull, obtuse, having poor memory. Feeble minded children unable to sustained mental work. They frequently suffer from fractures and growing pains as a result of poor nutrition. They frequently experience fractures and growing pains. This is one of the causes of school phobia.


Their digestive system is easily upset by rich foods, fats, pork, pastries, desserts, ice creams, etc. Thirstlessness is another defining symptom of Pulsatilla. All complaints are better in the open air. Children with Pulsatilla are dainty looking with fine skin and hair. They are mild, timid, emotional, and tearful. They tend to cry easily. They also crave sympathy and attention. Their changeable nature is another leading symptom.


Children who are very sensitive both physically and mentally, as well as those who have intellectual disabilities, suffer from severe nervous exhaustion, rapidly lose weight, are prone to the common cold, have a poor appetite, crave cold milk, or have a history of tuberculosis should take tuberculinum.

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