The name “strophanthus” comes from the Greek words “stophos,” which mean “twisted cord or rope,” and “anthos,” “flower,” expressing the flower’s most distinctive feature, which is that the corolla’s limb is divided into five long, tail-like segments. Strophanthus has been used as an arrow poison in Africa.

It is an evergreen woody climbing shrub that is part of the Apocynaceae family. It has a stem that is 90 cm long, hanging festoons, and dichomatous branches. It also has flowers that appear in terminal cymes in February and March and have long-tailed and twisted lobes on the corolla. The fruit is a thick-skinned, lance-shaped follicle that appears in divergent pairs and contains numerous densely packed

Distribution– Tropical Africa has a wide distribution of it.

Part used—To make mother tincture, ripe seeds are required.

Light brown to dark without a greenish tinge, with a few, silky hairs bearing a distinct raphe on one side. Seed 7-25 mm long, 2.5 to 5 mm broad, 0.5 to 2 mm thick, oblong-lanceolate, somewhat compressed, with obtuse – base and acute to narrowly acuminate apex. Fracture soft and short, the broken surface white and oily.

Chemical constituentsIt also contains kombic acid, choline, trigonelline, fixed oil, resin, and mucilage. Strophanthus hisp. contains three essential glycosides, namely K- strophanthoside, K-strophanthride b, and cymarin. These glycosides all undergo hydrolysis to yield Strophanthidin, which is then followed by triose sugar, strophanthotriose, which is made up of one molecule of

Strophanthus hispidus increases the contractile power of all stripped muscles, especially the heart, increasing the systole and decreasing the rapidity. It can be used with advantage to tone the heart and run off dropsical effusions. Heart’s action weak, rapid, irregular, due to muscular debility and arteriosclerosis.

Strophanthus is a potent diuretic and is safe for obese, elderly people with rigid arteries as well as those who smoke tobacco. It is also effective for irritable hearts and leg swelling caused by heart failure.

Prescribed dose—6X potency and mother tincture.

Side effectsStrophanthus may cause the uterus to contract, which could result in a miscarriage. It will also interact with allopathic medicines, such as calcium supplements, quinine, quinidine, digoxin, corticosteroids, laxatives, and diuretic drugs. Strophanthus is unsafe for pregnant and breast-feeding women.

Storage—Preparations less than 3x must be stored in tightly sealed containers that are shielded from light.

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