Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops (30ml) : Useful in Thyroid Dysfunction, Weight Management, Tiredness, Hair Fall


Also known as

Thyro, thyroid, WL-38 drops



85 (gms)


Dimensions: 3.9 x 3.9 x 9 cm

Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops

It supports the thyroid gland’s continued ability to function normally.


supports and stimulates the thyroid.


  • cArb. calc
  • Carb. Baryta
  • Filament Ves
  • Iodium
  • Spongia

Action Of Individual Ingredients

  • Calc.carb: Sweating on the palms and soles, an increase in abdominal fat, flabby skin, a fair complexion, and a thyroid disorder are all present in the patient.
  • Baryta carb: affects glandular structures, and it is effective in preventing general degenerative changes.
  • Fucus Ves: helps with weight loss caused by thyroid issues, eyeball protrusion, and enlarged thyroid.
  • Iodium: Great debility, rapid emaciation despite a healthy appetite, and perspiration even with the smallest amount of effort.
  • Spongia: inflammation, especially of the thyroid gland, and enlargement of the glands; swelling that becomes hard and indurated.


Before each meal, four times a day, 10 to 15 drops in a little water, or as directed by the doctor.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorDrops
Price₹ 160

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