Homeopathic Remedies for Scrofula


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Scrofula is that condition of the system where the blood becomes tainted with some deep rooted constitutional diseases; glands are enlarged and a low form of inflammation sets in. Such glands occur chiefly on both sides of neck, in the eyes, inside the nose, in the ears or on the chest. It is the result mostly of hereditary syphilis or of tubercular taint in parents; but is sometimes due to chronic malnutrition or bad hygiene. Scrofulous patients are more susceptible than others to the attack of phthisis.


Belladonna 3x-6β€”The glands are inflamed and throbbing pain occurs; difficulty in swallowing.

Calcarea Carb. 6-30β€”Inflamed eyes; pot-belly; diarrhoea; running from the ears or suppurated glands; nostrils swollen and red; the child’s fontanelle is soft.

Sulphur 6-30β€”Swelling of glands of the arm pit, of the lips, nostrils and fauces; knee or other joints are stiff; glands of groin are swollen; inflammation of eyes; in children running from ears; pimples behind the ears and in other parts of the body; sickly constitution.

Lapis Albus 6β€”Inflammation or swelling of glands anywhere in the body.

Mercurius Iodatus 3x (trit.)β€”Inflamed and sore fauces; the part throbs; glands are enlarged and indurated.

Silicea 6-30β€”Glands are swollen and look white (pus formation).

Bacillinum 30-200β€”To be taken once a week, if parents are rheumatic or tubercular.

Calcarea Phos. 12x (trit.)β€”In case of gout in a scrofulous patient.

AEthiops Antimonialis 2x-3xβ€”Gr. 2-3, thrice daily. Useful to all scrofulous subjects.

Child has reached the age for walking but is unable to do so (commencement of the disease): Sulphur 30, Calc. Carb. 30, Lyco. 200, Belladonna 6, Silicea 30, (hands and feet sweat, body is generally coldish). In pot-bellied children: Ars. 30, Baryta Carb. 6, Cina 3x. All glands are affected: Bellad. 3, Merc. Iod. 3x, Baryta Iod. 6, Calcarea Carb. 30, Calcarea Iod. 30, Silicea 30, Graphites 6, Bacillinum 200 (once a week).

Other remedies Aurum Met. 6, Phos. 6, China 6, Sepia 6, Iodium 6, Dulcamara 6, Badiaga 1x, Ars. Iod. 30, Aur. Met. 30, Hepar Sulphur 6, Calc. Phosph. 12x (trit.).

Diet etc.β€”Cold bath and pure air should be regularly taken. Sleep in the open places and bathe your body with sunshine after covering yourself well. Take plenty of fresh fruits, milk, oranges and nourishing foods.

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