Homeopathic Medicine for Ill-Effects of Vaccination


Effects of Vaccination


(1) Aconite, 30 – If fever occurs after vaccination.

(2) Apis, 30 – If there is excessive swelling after vaccination.

(3) Belladonna 30 – If after vaccination, large red blisters appear, and the color of the surrounding skin also becomes very red.

(4) Merc Sol 30 – When pus gets into the vaccine.

(5) Sulphur 30 – If there is frequent itching while the vaccine is healing.

(6) Vaccininum 30 (two every three hours) – If Erysipelas occurs after vaccination.


Thuja is a great remedy for the bad effects of vaccination.

Diarrhea, fever, sleeplessness, trembling, restlessness, neuralgia, paresis (slight paralysis) etc.

Other useful remedies: – Malandrinum, Silicea, Sulphur.

Vaccines, like any medication or medical intervention, can have side effects. Most side effects are mild and temporary, occurring shortly after vaccination. These effects typically resolve on their own without any long-term issues. Common side effects might include:

  1. Pain, Redness, or Swelling at the Injection Site: This is one of the most common side effects of vaccination. The area where the vaccine was administered might be sore or show redness and swelling.
  2. Low-Grade Fever: Some individuals might experience a slight increase in body temperature after vaccination, usually for a short duration.
  3. Fatigue or Malaise: Feeling tired or unwell for a brief period after vaccination is common.
  4. Headache or Muscle Pain: Some people might experience mild headaches or muscle aches.
  5. Mild Rashes or Irritation: Certain vaccines can cause minor rashes or skin irritation at the injection site.
  6. Digestive Issues: Some individuals may experience minor gastrointestinal issues, like diarrhea or nausea.

Severe side effects are very rare, but they can occur. These might include:

  1. Allergic Reactions: Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction, but it’s an extremely rare side effect. Symptoms might include difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and throat, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness. This is why vaccination often takes place in settings where immediate medical assistance is available.
  2. Febrile Seizures: These are rare but can occur in young children after some vaccinations, particularly certain childhood immunizations.
  3. Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Although extremely rare, some vaccines have been associated with an increased risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a neurological disorder.

It’s important to remember that the occurrence of severe side effects is exceptionally rare compared to the vast benefits of vaccination in preventing serious and potentially deadly diseases. The decision to vaccinate should be made after weighing the benefits against the risks, and it’s always advisable to discuss any concerns or potential risks with a healthcare professional. Most vaccine side effects are minor and short-lived, and the risk of severe complications from the diseases the vaccines prevent is significantly higher than the risk of severe side effects from the vaccines themselves.

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