BHP Aletrisco (450ml) : Helpful in Regulating Delayed, Painful, Excessive Menses, white discharge


Also known as

Drops of aletris and fem



600 (gms)


7.5 x 7.5 x 19 centimeters

BHP Aletrisco Syrup

It strengthens the female reproductive system, alleviates gynecological conditions, regulates menstrual rhythm and normal uterine function, and is extremely effective in treating bleeding disorders, which can be present in conditions like ovarian cysts, climacteric phase, and menarche.

Indications of BHP Aletrisco Syrup

  • It helps the uterus function normally and alleviates uterine complaints like cramps.
  • The pain in the ovarian region can be reduced with BHP Aletrisco Syrup.
  • relieves premenstrual pain right before the period.
  • BHP Aletrisco Syrup eases colicky pains in the pelvic organs and pain across the pelvis.
  • Sacrum and pubic pain, movement over the ovarian area.

Action of Ingredients in BHP Aletrisco Syrup

Aletris Farinosa: is beneficial for female complaints, especially those involving uterine bleeding and those who are prone to hemorrhages.

JanosiaAshoka: Back pain during menstruation and headache complaints linked to irregular menstruation.

Helonias: reactivates uterine ligaments and restores their relaxed state, correcting misplacement. It is effective in climaxis, with pronounced mental gloom and marked debility.

Pulsatilla nig. Ø: Helps with delayed, scant, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent, and suppressed menses brought on by wet feet, nervous debility, and vaginal discharge that is white in color.

Vibernum Opulus: An all-purpose cramp reliever for colicky pains in the pelvic area, bearing-down pains, heavy, swollen feeling in the ovaries, aching in the sacrum and pubic region, along with pain in the thigh muscles up front.

Senecio Aureus: Every three weeks, heavy, eight to nine-day menstrual periods that are accompanied by severe groin, sacrum, and hypogastric pain occur.

Belladonna: Menstruation became more frequent, bright red, premature, and excessively abundant. Menstruation and lochia were extremely unpleasant and hot.

Dosage of BHP Aletrisco Syrup

Before each meal, take two teaspoons of B.H.P. Aletrisco Syrup.

Terms and Conditions

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies varies depending on the conditions and should be used based on symptom similarity.

BrandBHP (Bangalore Homoeo Pharmacy)
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorLiquid
For Use ByWomen / Female
Price₹ 250

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