SBL Calcarea Arsenicosum 200 CH (30ml) : In Nephritis, albuminuria, convulsion, enlarged gland, Low Hemoglobin


Also known as

Ars Calc



200 CH




82 (gms)


3.5 cm by 3.5 cm by 9.5 cm


Aura is felt in the region of the heart and there is a flying sensation in epilepsy. Calcarea arsenicosa is well indicated in complaints in fat women around climacteric, chronic malaria. Infantile enlarged liver and spleen are also seen in the patients of this medicine. Epilepsy is a serious condition in which there is a rush of blood to the head prior to attack.

Calcarea Arsenicica is the main treatment for nephritis (kidney inflammation/infection) when there is pain in the kidney region. The kidney region is very sensitive to pressure. It is also helpful for albuminuria. Passes urine every hour. Pain is more severe with light exertion. Calcarea arsenicosa can be considered for the complaints of drunkards after refraining from alcohol.

Shortness of breath with a weak heart, chilliness, albuminuria, dropsy, complaints of the spleen and mesenteric glands, low blood hemoglobin, and low RBC (red blood cell) count have all responded well to calcarea arsenicosa. This medication is also considered for fleshy women going through menopause, who experience palpitations (rapid and strong heartbeats) at the slightest emotion.

When lying on the painful side, a headache that comes on a weekly basis with a violent blood rush to the head and dizziness can be relieved. Calcarea Arsenicica is also helpful in relieving palpitations brought on by the smallest emotions, which cause pain and constriction in the heart region that extends to the arms.



– ANXIETY: Concern over the future, anger over one’s health.

Sadness, for example, can make your heart race.

– Sleepiness at 3 a.m. or after.

Confusion, illusions, and a desire for company are all symptoms of the Great Depression.



– Overweight.

– Nephritis, heart conditions, and epilepsy.

Cold, dietary mistakes, light exertion, and climbing are worse.

Rest and fresh air are better.

beverages and food

– Longing for SOUP


– A SENSE OF FLYING OR SWIMMING; as if the ground were not under the feet.

– Before a seizure.


Pre-epilepsy congestion

Vertigo and a violent blood rush to the head.

– Lying on the painful side relieves pain better than lying on a different side (Graph).

– A debilitating headache that occurs on a regular basis, mostly in the ears.


– The stomach area grew bloated.

– Children’s spleen and liver growth.

– Pancreatic cancer; reduces pancreatic cancer’s burning pain.

– Heart palpitations and salivary belching.


-Pancreatic cancer pain that is burning.

genitalia of women

Urinary tract cancer


– Heartache or a fast heartbeat prior to epilepsy.

– Conditions of the heart and kidneys.


Pre-epilepsy pain in the left hand or upper limbs


– Albuminuria; sensitive to pressure kidney region; hourly urination.


– Heart pain and constriction, a feeling of oppression, palpitations, and throbbing, as well as back pain that extends to the arms.


Burning pain in the uterus and vagina; offensive, bloody leucorrhoea; uterine cancer.


– An excruciating, throbbing backache that makes it difficult to stay in bed.


– Reduces fatigue and lameness in lower limbs by removing inflammatory substances from their veins.


– Makes minor effort worse.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic medicines have a variety of uses and are prescribed based on symptom similarity; it is assumed that you have sought medical advice before purchasing this medication and are not self-medicating.

BrandSBL Dilutions
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency200 CH / 200CH
Price₹ 95

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