There is a sense of loss of control over eating during an episode of binge eating disorder, as well as eating large amounts of food throughout the day without planned meal times, eating alone out of embarrassment, and/or feeling guilty and depressed after eating, all of which are followed by severe discomfort and feelings of self-denigration.

ICD-10 does not list the condition separately, and bulimia nervosa also exhibits binge eating symptoms.


While the exact causes of binge eating are unknown, many risk factors, such as the following, are likely to contribute to it:

·Genetics.There is strong evidence that the disorder runs in families, and those who suffer from binge eating disorder may be more sensitive to dopamine, a brain chemical that causes feelings of reward and pleasure.

·Gender.There may be underlying biological reasons why women experience binge eating disorder more frequently than men.

·Changes in the brain.There are signs that those who suffer from binge eating disorder may experience structural changes in the brain that affect how responsive they are to food and how well they can control themselves.

·Body size.Weight issues may be both a cause and a consequence of the disorder, with obesity occurring in almost 50% of those with binge eating disorders and in 25–50% of patients seeking weight loss surgery.


Indicators of binge eating disorder in both behavior and emotion include:

• Consuming unusually large quantities of food in a short period of time, such as two hours.

Perceiving an uncontrollable eating disorder.

Eating a lot of food quickly when bingeing.

· Eating until uncomfortably full.

Usually consuming food alone or covertly.

Sensations of depression, disgust, embarrassment, guilt, or agitation in relation to food.

Constantly trying to lose weight while dieting.

Extreme distress and unhappiness over their overeating, body type, and weight are common feelings experienced by those who suffer from binge eating disorders.


Behavioral therapy is based on rewarding patients when they control their binge eating, as well as occasionally punishing them when they don’t.

· Individual psychotherapy

Group therapy and family therapy are two techniques used to help patients and their family members learn more about the causes of binge eating disorders and how to treat them.

· Medicines


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating binge eating disorder, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account mental and physical health. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced all over the world.

CARCINOSIN:They always have abuse, grief, or fears frequently related to weight. They experience great anxiety in the pit of their stomach. Malnutrition due to the effects of additives. Binge eating disorder where the person is meticulous and has obsessive compulsive disorder.

IGNATIA AMARA:Ignatia people have perfectionism, a fear of getting fat and a fear of being rejected. They frequently experience sinking in the stomach, which is relieved by taking a deep breath. They frequently experience hunger with nausea and stomach cramps.

NATRUM MURIATICUM:They are depressed and introverted, suffer from a binge eating disorder as a result of the effects of grief, disappointment, love, fright, and anger, and have dry lips, dry skin, frequent constipation, no appetite, and a particular craving for salt. They also have terrible headaches and feel better on an empty stomach.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS:Pulsatilla patients prefer rich food, increasing their risk of becoming overweight. They have scanty or suppressed periods. They are mild, timid, emotional, and tearful people who weep easily and crave sympathy.

STAPHYSAGRIA:They experience severe depression, a profound sense of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, humiliation, intense guilt, low self-esteem, and canine hunger even when they are satisfied.

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