Striking a healthy balance between having too much and too little confidence can be difficult. Too much confidence can make you appear arrogant and lead to unexpected difficulties, while too little confidence can make it difficult for you to take chances and take advantage of opportunities in school, the workplace, your social life, and beyond.

Low self-esteem or lack of confidence can have deep roots, stemming from traumatic childhood experiences like long periods of being apart from parent figures, neglect, or emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. In later life, self-esteem can be undermined by poor health, bad life events like losing a job or getting divorced, deficient or frustrating relationships, and a general sense of lack of control. This sense of lack of control may be particularly pronounced in victims.


Need to Explain

According to M. Farouk Radwan on the Counseling Mom blog, the need to explain actions is one of the symptoms of low self-confidence. While everyone makes mistakes, those who struggle with self-confidence may feel that they must provide justifications. They may also feel that they must justify decisions, even when they are successful.

Blaming Others

When someone complains frequently and places blame on others, it may be a sign of low self-esteem because the complainer with low self-esteem is made to feel like the victim instead of the one who is doing the complaining.

Immediate Excuses

The need to make excuses shows the person’s desire to prevent people from thinking he is worthless, according to the Solid Self Confidence Program. Less confident people will listen to the criticism and decide later whether or not it is constructive.


A person may be displaying a lack of confidence by closing off when she uses defensive body language, such as crossing her arms or legs, which conveys anxiety and discomfort in the environment.

Needing Acceptance

According to Selfesteemawareness.com, those with confidence issues frequently feel that they need other people’s approval in order to feel validated. Not receiving this approval or receiving criticism is frustrating and lowers one’s level of confidence even further. To change this, the person with confidence issues needs to understand that not everyone will agree with her actions or be happy with her choices.

Unable to Enjoy Success

According to the Self Esteem Institute, some people may believe they are lucky rather than competent because they lack confidence in their own judgment and expect criticism. These people may push themselves to overachieve and then fail to recognize that their ability was what brought success.

Fear of Change

The inability to make sound decisions for change keeps people in unfavorable environments, such as an unhealthy relationship or a job that isn’t a good fit for them. Lack of self-confidence can also drive people to stay in unsatisfactory situations.


When a person has low self-esteem, he may become cynical and pessimistic about everything, take his bad mood out on his family, friends, and coworkers, and be incapable of being positive.

Fear of Future

According to Solveyourproblem.com, a large portion of people who experience low self-confidence worry about the future and potential outcomes, making it difficult for them to fully appreciate the moment at hand.

Shame and the quest for excellence

Since they believe that being perfect will make them look and sound better in the eyes of others, people with low self-esteem may strive for perfection and feel ashamed when they fall short of it.


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for lack of confidence, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account the mental and emotional state as well as the physical state. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200Anxiety is the predominant mental nature of Argentum nitricum patients; they are nervous, impulsive, hurried, yet timid and anxious. A mental peculiarity is one of anticipation, apprehension, and fear; when ready to go to church diarrhea sets in. Melancholic. Loss of ambition. Believes in nothing.

Aurum metallicum 30 is best suited to people who are depressed, have poor memory, feel hopeless about their lives, feel completely unworthy of love, and talk about taking their own lives but have a strong fear of dying.

BARYTA CARBONICA 30Baryta carb patients are reserved, criticized, fearful, and hide from strangers. They are dependent on others and incapable of making decisions. They act emotionally immature and backward. Baryta carb is also thought to be associated with a lack of self-confidence due to shyness.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200One of the best treatments for low self-esteem is lycopodium, which is better suited to intellectually sharp people with weak muscles, a lack of vital heat, poor circulation, numb limbs, or spots of numbness.

STAPHYSAGRIA 30Staphysagria is another effective treatment for low self-esteem, which is primarily brought on by ongoing humiliation, repressed or reserved anger, sexual abuse, or physical trauma. Patients of this medication experience intense indignation over their actions as well as deep guilt and shame, and they are extremely perceptive to what other people think of them.

SILICEA 200A weeping mood, nervousness, excitability, and sensitivity to all impressions are symptoms of a lack of confidence, which can be effectively treated with silica.

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