People who have the disorder pica compulsively consume foods that are not nutritious. Affected individuals may consume foods that are relatively safe, such as ice, or they may consume foods that are potentially dangerous, such as dried paint flakes or pieces of metal, which can have serious consequences, such as lead poisoning.

If you or your child finds themselves unable to resist eating non-food items, you should seek medical attention right away. Treatment can help you avoid potentially dangerous side effects. This disorder is most common in children and pregnant women.

People with severe developmental disabilities frequently experience pica, which is frequently more severe and persistent in those with intellectual disabilities.

The underlying cause of pica, such as anemia or an iron deficiency in pregnant women, is unknown. Your unusual cravings may be a sign that your body is attempting to replenish low nutrient levels. There is no single cause of pica. However, in some cases, a deficiency in iron, zinc, or another nutrient may be associated with pica.

As a coping strategy, pica may be developed by people with certain mental health conditions like schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

In some cultures, eating clay is considered acceptable behavior and is referred to as geophagia. Some people may even enjoy and crave the textures or flavors of specific non-food items.

Eating things other than food may help you feel full if you are on a diet or are undernourished, which can both cause pica.

SymptomsRegular consumption of nonfood items is a defining characteristic of pica, which must last for at least a month.

In the event that you have pica, you might frequently consume:

· ice

· soap

· buttons

· clay

· hair

· dirt

· sand

the cigarette’s remaining unlit tobacco

· cigarette ashes

· paint

· glue

· chalk

· feces

Aside from food, you can consume other things.

Complications–Sometimes, consuming specific nonfood items can cause other severe conditions, such as:

toxicity, including lead poisoning

· parasitic infections

· intestinal blockages

· choking


When it comes to pica, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking mental and physical symptoms into account. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ALUMINA 30—Alumina is one of the best treatments for pica with constipation. People who are sensitive to it have irregular appetites and no desire to eat. They have abnormal cravings for coarse food, chalk, dry food, clean white rags, dry rice, and indigestible things.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30—Antimonium crudum is another effective treatment for pica, which includes a lack of appetite, disgust for food, and a desire for acids and sour pickles. Antimonium crudum is also characterized by a thick milky white coating on the tongue, dry lips, especially at night, and intense thirst.

CALCAREA CARBONICA 30They have a particular craving for eggs, as well as ice creams, salt, and sweets. They have a poor diet and nutrition. Their heads sweat profusely, wetting the pillow. They have an aversion to meat and milk. —Calcarea carb is best suited to fat, flabby fair persons who are chilly and take cold easily.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 30—Calcarea phos is best for emaciated children who are unable to stand or walk slowly and have a flabby, swollen abdomen. These children also have weak digestion and a craving for raw salt and smoked foods as well as lime, slate, pencils, chalk, and clay.

CICUTA VIROSA 30—Cicuta virosa is appropriate for people who are anxious and have a craving for things like coal, chalk, and other odd objects, can’t tell what is fit for eating and what isn’t, and who feel thirsty right after eating.

LAC FELINUM 200-After eating, the woman’s stomach feels bloated, forcing her to remove her dress and loosen her clothing. –Lac fel. people have a strong desire to eat paper and have no appetite.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30The patient with natrum mur has a strong preference for salt and salty foods, as well as a dislike for bread and fatty foods, and they enjoy oysters, fish, and milk.sensitive, anemic and emaciated persons with oily , greasy face.

They love fat and salt but dislike meat, foods sweetened with sugar, and bread. They have fissures in their rectum and the corners of their mouth. Their urine smells strongly of horse’s urine. **NITRIC ACID 30—**Nitric acid people have cravings for indigestible things, such as chalk, earth, etc. They love fat and salt but dislike meat, things sweetened with sugar, and bread.

NUX VOMICA 30They have frequent ineffective urges to urinate and frequently crave spicy food, beer, fat food, chalk, drugs, tobacco, and stimulants, especially alcohol. Nux vomica patients also have a strong preference for these substances.

SILICEA 30Silicea is another treatment for pica that includes a desire for lime, sand, and raw food. Silicea people are tense, anxious, overly sensitive, irritable, and fearful. They sweat excessively, especially on their feet. They get easily infected. Their discharges are profuse and offensive.

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