Anal itching is a common condition that can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. The itch, which is located in or around your anus, is frequently severe and may be accompanied by a strong urge to scratch.

Anal itching, which is also known as pruritus ani, may be brought on by a variety of conditions, including hemorrhoids, skin conditions, and over- or under-washing.

With the right care and self-care techniques, the majority of people completely recover from anal itching. If the itching is persistent, speak with your doctor.

Anal itching may have various causes, including the following.

Personal care habits.Your skin care regimen may contain substances or practices that irritate the skin, such as over- or under-washing, the use of soap, moist wipes, or toilet paper that contains dyes or perfumes.

Infections.Pinworms and other parasites may also cause similar itching in the anal region, as can yeast infections, which typically affect women. Sexually transmitted infections may involve the anus and cause anal itching.

Skin conditions.Anal itching can occasionally be brought on by a particular skin condition, like psoriasis or contact dermatitis.

Other medical conditions.These include illnesses that affect the entire body, like diabetes, chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and anal tumors.

Symptoms–Depending on the cause, anal itching and irritation may be mild or more severe, and may be accompanied by redness, burning, and soreness.


Anal itching can be effectively treated with homoeopathic medications; a few of the most significant ones are listed below.

ALOE SOCOTRINA 30Aloes is one of the best remedies for anal itching. The patient has hemorrhoids that protrude like grapes, are extremely tender and sore, and get better with cold water application. The patient also experiences itching and burning in the anus, which he constantly scratches and enjoys doing with his finger.

ALUMINA 30—Alumina is a great treatment for anal itching. The patient has severe constipation, no desire for stools, great staring, and even soft stool is passed with great difficulty. There is pricking like from a pin around the anus, as well as itching and burning in the anus.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30-For anal itching brought on by piles, antimonium crudum is prescribed. Hemorrhoids that are blind and running with burning and tingling can also be treated with antimonium crudum.

CARBO VEGETABLIS 30– There is an acrid, corrosive moisture that oozes from the rectum, which itches, gnaws, and burns best with carbo veg.

CINA 200The child is very angry, has a foul disposition, and doesn’t want to be touched or carried, but cinnamon is one of the best treatments for itching in anus caused by worms.

IGNATIA AMARA 30In cases of intense itching, tingling, and a crawling sensation in the anus and rectum, Ignatia is excellent for treating anal itching.

MEDORRHINUM 1000-When the anus is oozing a dark, foul-smelling moisture with a fishy brine odor, and itches intensely, memorrhinum is effective for relieving the itching.

Bowels constipated with fissures in the rectum. Tearing pain during stools. Violent cutting pain that lasts for hours after stools. Anus itching and eczematous and oozes moisture. **NITRIC ACID 30-**Nitric acid is best for itching in anus while walking in open air and after stool.

TEUCRIUM MARUM Q-One of the best treatments for itching in the anus caused by worms, particularly pin worms, is teucrium. Other symptoms include ascarides with nightly restlessness, swelling, itching, and creeping at the anus, as well as frequent itching and tingling in the anus, frequently after the evacuation.

SULPHUR 200-Itching and burning from diaper rash in children, redness around the anus with severe itching, habitual constipation, pain urging in and itching in the rectum are all conditions that sulphur is one of the best treatments for.

VERBASCUM THAPSUS 30The herb verbascum works best for hemorrhoids, which are itchy, inflamed, and prevent stools from passing through.

EXTERNAL APPLICATIONPut some Verbascum ointment on the affected area.

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