Alcohol use disorder, also known as alcoholism, is a pattern of alcohol use that includes issues with self-control, obsession with alcohol, continued use of alcohol despite problems, needing more alcohol to achieve the same effects, or experiencing withdrawal symptoms when drinking is abruptly reduced or stopped.

In addition to binge drinking, which is defined as a pattern of drinking where a male downs five or more drinks in two hours or a female downs at least four drinks in two hours, unhealthy alcohol use includes any alcohol use that puts your health or safety at risk or results in other alcohol-related issues.

Alcohol use disorder, which can range in severity from mild to severe, can escalate and cause serious issues, so early treatment is crucial. If your pattern of drinking causes you to experience significant distress on a regular basis and difficulties coping with daily life, you likely have alcohol use disorder.

Theories suggest that for some people drinking has a different and stronger impact that can result in alcohol use disorder, and these different and stronger effects can be influenced by genetic, psychological, social, and environmental factors.

Over time, excessive alcohol consumption may alter the normal functioning of the parts of your brain connected to pleasure, judgment, and the capacity to exert behavioral control, which may lead to a desire for alcohol to try to enhance positive emotions or lessen negative ones.

Symptoms-Depending on how many symptoms you experience, alcohol use disorder can range from mild to severe, with signs and symptoms like:

The inability to control your alcohol consumption

Desiring to limit your alcohol consumption or making fruitless efforts to do so

Constantly consuming alcohol, obtaining alcohol, or quitting alcoholism

Experience a strong alcoholic urge or craving.

Consistently abusing alcohol and failing to fulfill significant responsibilities at work, school, or home.

Consuming alcohol despite knowing that it will lead to health, relationship, or social issues.

Eliminating or curtailing social, professional, and recreational activities

Having a drink when it’s unsafe to do so, like while operating machinery or swimming

Having a reduced or no effect from the same amount of alcohol due to the development of a tolerance to it

Feeling the effects of withdrawal when you don’t drink, such as nausea, sweating, and shaking, or drinking to combat these effects.

Periods of drinking and withdrawal symptoms can both be a part of an alcohol use disorder.

Alcohol intoxicationAlcohol intoxication results in behavioral issues and mental changes, such as inappropriate behavior, unstable moods, impaired judgment, slurred speech, impaired attention or memory, and poor coordination. You can also experience periods known as “blackouts,” where you don’t remember events. Very high blood alcohol levels can lead to very serious consequences, such as death.

Alcohol withdrawalSweating, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, problems sleeping, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, restlessness and agitation, anxiety, and occasionally seizures are some of the symptoms that can be severe enough to impair your ability to function at work or in social situations when alcohol use has been heavy and prolonged and then stopped or greatly reduced.

Risk elements—Risk elements for alcohol use disorder include:

Steady drinking over time.Alcohol use disorders or problems related to excessive drinking can result from regular binge drinking or excessive drinking over an extended period of time.

Age.Alcohol use disorder can start at any age, but it is more common in people in their 20s and 30s who start drinking early and especially binge.

Family history.People who have a parent or other close relative with an alcohol use disorder are more likely to develop the disorder themselves; this risk may be influenced by genetic factors.

Depression and other mental health problems.Alcohol or other substance abuse issues are frequent in people who suffer from mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder.

Social and cultural factors.The glamorous way that drinking is sometimes portrayed in the media may send the message that it’s OK to drink excessively. Having friends or a close partner who drinks regularly could increase your risk of alcohol use disorder.

Alcohol depresses your central nervous system, which can initially stimulate some people’s nervous systems before sedating them as you continue to drink.

A heavy drinking binge may even result in a life-threatening coma or death, which is of particular concern if you’re taking certain medications that also depress the function of the brain. Too much alcohol affects your speech, muscle coordination, and vital brain centers.

Impact on your safety

Your inhibitions may be weakened and your judgment impaired by excessive drinking, which may result in risky decisions or actions, such as:

Drownings and other types of unintentional harm, such as those caused by auto accidents

· Relationship problems

Unsatisfactory work or academic performance

A higher chance of committing violent crimes or becoming a victim of one

Financial or employment issues or legal issues

Issues relating to the use of other drugs

Having unprotected, risky sex, or being raped or subjected to sexual abuse while out on a date

Increasing likelihood of suicide attempts and suicide completion

Impact on your health

When alcohol is consumed excessively, it can lead to a number of health issues, such as:

·Liver disease.Hepatic steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis, which is the irreversible destruction and scarring of liver tissue, can all result from excessive alcohol consumption.

·Digestive problems.In addition to ulcers of the stomach and esophagus, heavy drinking can harm your pancreas or cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), damage your pancreas, and interfere with your body’s ability to absorb B vitamins and other nutrients.

·Heart problems.Even one binge can trigger the dangerous heart arrhythmia known as atrial fibrillation, which can cause an enlarged heart, heart failure, or stroke. Excessive drinking can also increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, having a stroke, or having a heart attack.

  • Diabetes complications.If you have diabetes and are already taking insulin to lower your blood sugar level, drinking alcohol can make it more likely that your blood sugar will drop too low (hypoglycemia), which is dangerous.
  • Sexual function and menstruation issues.In both men and women, binge drinking can disrupt menstruation and lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Eye problems.A thiamine deficiency can be linked to other brain changes, such as irreversible dementia, if not promptly treated, and over time, heavy drinking can cause nystagmus (an involuntary rapid eye movement), weakness, and paralysis of your eye muscles.
  • Birth defects.Alcohol consumption during pregnancy has the potential to result in miscarriage, fetal alcohol syndrome, and the birth of a child with lifelong physical and developmental issues.
  • Bone damage.Alcohol can damage bone marrow, which produces blood cells; this can result in a low platelet count; this can cause bruising and bleeding; it can also prevent the formation of new bone, which can result in bone loss; this bone loss can cause thinning bones (osteoporosis) and an increased risk of fractures.
  • Neurological complications.Overindulging in alcohol can have an adverse effect on your nervous system, resulting in dementia, short-term memory loss, numbness and pain in your hands and feet, as well as disturbed thinking.
  • Weakened immune system.Alcohol abuse raises your risk of contracting a number of diseases, including pneumonia, by lowering your body’s ability to fight off infection.
  • Increased risk of cancer.Even moderate drinking can raise the risk of breast cancer, which has been linked to long-term excessive alcohol use.
  • Medication and alcohol interactions.Drinking while taking these medications can increase or decrease their effectiveness, make them dangerous, or have other interactions with alcohol that increase its toxic effects.


Some of the most significant homoeopathic remedies are listed below.

SULPHURIC ACID Q-One of the most effective treatments for alcoholism is sulphuric acid, which is prescribed when water causes coldness in the stomach and must be mixed with alcoholic beverages. The patient also experiences heartburn, sour eructation’s, and sour vomiting. An important symptom of this treatment is the patient’s alcohol craving.

QUERCUS GLANDIUM SPIRITUS Q– Quercus is regarded as a specific for alcoholism. It will counteract alcohol’s negative effects, such as dropsy and liver affections.

ANGELICA Q– Angelica, which induces a dislike of alcohol, is another successful treatment for alcoholism. It also treats dyspepsia, nervous headaches, atony of various organs, and other conditions.

CAMPHOR Q-When Angelica’s attempts to control her alcoholism failed, camphor should be tried because it causes a burning sensation to follow a cold sensation in the stomach.

CHINA OFF. QOne of the best treatments for alcoholism is China, which helps alcoholics who want to change their ways by removing their desire for alcohol. Internal coldness of the stomach and abdomen, enlarged liver, and flatulence are all symptoms of Chinese medicine.

SULPHUR 3The patient has a strong desire to drink alcohol constantly, wanting to do so from morning until evening or until they are awake. When Chinese medicine fails, sulphur should be tried. The patient also has a complete loss of appetite and needs to eat something at around 11 a.m.

STERCULIA Q—Sterculia, which improves digestion and appetite while reducing the desire for alcohol, is another successful treatment for alcoholism.

STRYCHNINUM NITRICUM 3XAlcohol cravings of any kind are eliminated by strychninum nitricum.

ARSENIC ALBUM 30Arsenic patients have delirium tremens, high anxiety, restlessness, and a fear of dying. However, arsenic alb helps to lessen the negative effects of excessive alcoholism by reducing the craving for alcohol.

CAPSICUM ANNUM Q– When a patient has nausea and diarrhea, capsicum annum is prescribed because it is effective at reducing strong alcohol cravings.

APOCYNUM CANNABINUM Q– Apocynum cannabinum is effective for treating severe alcohol cravings, low spirits, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, the patient experiences severe nausea and vomiting, difficulty passing urine, a lengthy voiding interval, and burning in the urethra after urinating.


NUX VOMICA 30Nux vomica is prescribed when there is giddiness and restlessness after alcohol consumption, heavy vomiting after drinking, the patient experiences nausea and trembling after drinking, nervousness due to drinking wine or liquor, fear of small noises, springing up at night with terrifying dreams, and a tendency toward envy and jealousy. Nux vomica patients commit suicide by shooting or stabbing.

AVENA SATIVA QAvena sativa reduces the desire for alcohol, making it a popular treatment for insomnia and anxiety in intoxicated people.

ANTIMONIUM TART. 30– Antimonium tart is recommended for vomiting in intoxicated people with white coatings on their tongue.

CARDUS MARIANUS QCardus mar. is very effective for liver issues, liver pain, and the constipation and diarrhea experienced by chronic alcoholics, particularly those who drink beer.

CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30-Chronic drinkers often develop liver diseases, which are treated with crotalus hor.

CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA 30Chronic alcoholics who have kidney and liver disease can benefit from taking chimaphila umbellate to treat their conditions.

GELSEMIUM SEMPER. 30– Gelsemium is prescribed when the patient has excessive trembling, weakness in all of their limbs, and lack of muscular coordination. Nervous symptoms are the most common in alcoholics.

PETROLEUM 30– Petroleum is effective when intoxicated people are unable to refuse a glass of wine, lack the willpower to stop after even a small amount of alcohol, vomit after even a small amount of alcohol, and talk too much while intoxicated.

LACHESIS 30Patients with lachrymosis tend to be ill-mannered, violent, vengeful, jealous, and envious, as well as talkative before and after drinking.

RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS 30-Ranunculus bulbosus treats coma brought on by heavy alcohol consumption as well as other negative effects of alcohol. It is effective for treating drunken people’s mental attacks.

SECALE COR 30Secalecor is recommended when drinking alcohol causes insomnia.

CARBONEUM SULPH. 30Impotence, color blindness, and other conditions can be treated with carboneum sulph, which is a great remedy for people who have become depleted from alcohol abuse.

COFFEA CRUDA 30-Coffea cruda is helpful for alcohol-related headaches, which feel like nails are being driven into the head and are worse outside. It also helps with alcohol-related sleeplessness, convulsions, and vivacity.

OPIUM 30In cases of recurrent delirium tremors, opium is prescribed along with a terrified expression on the patient’s face, labored breathing, visions of ghosts and animals, and restless sleep.

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