It often happens in people whose feet have become extremely sweaty while constrained within tight-fitting shoes. Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that typically begins between the toes.

Athlete’s foot is contagious and can be spread through contaminated floors, towels, or clothing. Signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot include a scaly rash that typically causes itching, stinging, and burning.

Similar to the fungus that causes jock itch and ringworm, athlete’s foot is brought on by damp socks and shoes, warm, moist environments, and other factors.

It is possible to contract athlete’s foot from contaminated surfaces, including towels, floors, and shoes, or from direct contact with an infected person.

A red, scaly rash that usually starts between the toes is an athlete’s foot symptom. The rash itches a lot, and the itchiest time is usually right after you take off your shoes and socks.

Blisters or ulcers can be present in some forms of athlete’s foot, while the moccasin variety of the condition causes chronic dryness and scaling on the soles that extends up the side of the foot and can be mistaken for eczema or even dry skin.

If you pick or scratch at the infected areas of your feet, the infection may spread to your hand and may affect one or both of your feet.

Your likelihood of developing athlete’s foot is increased if you:

· Are a man

Usually don’t wear loose-fitting shoes or wet socks

Use a fungal infection to spread mats, rugs, bed linens, clothing, or shoes.

Avoid wearing shoes in public places where the disease might proliferate, including showers, saunas, swimming pools, and public baths.

Athlete’s foot complications include the following:

Your hand.Those who pick or scratch at the infected areas of their feet run the risk of getting the same infection in one of their hands.

Your nails.Your toenails, which are typically more difficult to treat, can also become infected by the fungi that cause athlete’s foot.

Your groin.The same fungus that causes athlete’s foot frequently causes jock itch, and because the fungus can move from your feet to your groin on your hands or a towel, jock itch frequently spreads from your feet to your groin.


Some of the most well-known homoeopathic treatments for athlet’s foot are listed below.

When there is dry, rough skin along with cracks between the toes, as well as moist and crusty eruptions that ooze out a sticky exudate, as well as eruptions in the folds that break easily and heal slowly, graphites is one of the top homoeopathic medications for athlete’s foot with cracks.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200Thuja is another potent homeopathic remedy for athlete’s foot that only manifests as eruptions on the covered areas and is accompanied by violent itching or burning, dry skin that is extremely sensitive to touch, and eruptions that are aggravated by scratching and cold bathing. Thuja occidentalis is also effective for athlete’s foot that feels as though it is being pinched.

**SILICEA 200-**Silicea is prescribed when athlete’s foot is accompanied by boils, and it works well on boils that are erupting in the crops and are accompanied by foul pus on the feet and toes. There is severe itching, especially in the morning and evening.

BARYTA CARBONICUM 30Baryta Carbonica, a homeopathic remedy, works best for treating athlete’s foot cases that are excoriating and oozing with trouble healing.

NITRIC ACID 30-Nitric acid, which is prescribed when there is unhealthy skin with pus formation where crusts form and fall, along with severe pain, is another effective treatment for athlete’s foot with splinter-like pains.

PETROLEUM 30-Petroleum is recommended when the skin is rough and cracked, and the patient complains of deep skin fold cracks, especially in the toes.

ARSENICUM IODATUM 30-Arsenicum iodatumis recommended when the affected area is dry, erythematous, and flaky, and is best for athletes foot.

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