
As the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones deteriorates over time, osteoarthritis, the most prevalent type of arthritis that affects millions of people worldwide, develops.

Despite the fact that osteoarthritis can harm any joint in the body, it most frequently affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine.

Staying active, keeping a healthy weight, and other treatments may slow the progression of the disease and help improve pain and joint function, even though the underlying process that causes osteoarthritis cannot be reversed.

The cartilage in your joints, a firm, slick tissue that enables nearly friction-free joint motion, gradually deteriorates, leading to osteoarthritis, which is what causes osteoarthritis.

If the cartilage completely wears away, you might be left with bone rubbing against bone because osteoarthritis causes the smooth surface of the cartilage to become rough.

Risk factors

Osteoarthritis risk factors include the following:

Older age.Age raises one’s risk of developing osteoarthritis.

Sex.Though the reason may not be known, women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis.

Obesity.Carrying extra weight increases your risk of developing osteoarthritis in a number of ways, including increased stress on weight-bearing joints like your hips and knees and the production of proteins by fat tissue, which can lead to damaging inflammation in and around your joints.

Joint injuries.Even injuries that happened years ago and appeared to heal can increase your risk of osteoarthritis. Injuries, such as those that happen while participating in sports or from an accident, can also increase your risk.

Certain occupations.An affected joint may eventually develop osteoarthritis if the tasks you perform as part of your job put that joint under repetitive stress.

Genetics.Osteoarthritis is a condition that some people are predisposed to.

Bone deformities.Osteoarthritis risk can be increased in people who are born with deficient cartilage or with joints that are malformed.

Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include: Osteoarthritis symptoms frequently start out slowly and get worse over time.

Pain.After or during movement, your joint might hurt.

Tenderness.When you gently press on your joint, you might feel some tenderness.

Stiffness.When you first get out of bed or following a period of inactivity, joint stiffness might be most apparent.

Loss of flexibility.It’s possible that you won’t be able to fully flex that joint.

Grating sensation.When using the joint, you might hear or feel something grinding.

Bone spurs.Around the affected joint, these extra pieces of bone that feel like hard lumps, may form.


BRYONIA ALBA 30–The patients of osteoarthritis who complain of pain in the knee joint on using the stairs to go up can greatly benefit from Bryonia Alba.There is a cracking sound while walking.Bryonia Alba is of great help in treating osteoarthritis of the knee joint, where the pain in the knee joint gets worse by walking and the patient feels better by taking absolute rest.The pain is accompanied by stiffness and swelling in knees.The joints become red, hot, and swollen.

CALCAREA CARB 30–The majority of Calcarea Carbonica patients are obese, fatty, and flabby individuals. It is also very effective for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Patients who are prescribed this medication complain of swelling and pain in the knee joints, which are made worse by walking and getting up from a sitting position. Calcarea Carbonica is also a good homeopathic remedy for pain in the knee joints that is made worse by working in water, such as washing clothes. The knees remain excessively cold.

CALCAREA FLOUR. 30Heat and motion can help with pain in chronic conditions, but nodosities and bone spurs can also form in joints that have grown enlarged and hard.

Knee pain that may radiate from the hip to the knee, made worse by pressure and made better by movement and warmth, is a common symptom of osteoarthritis. **KALI CARB 30-**Kali carb is also used successfully to treat this condition.

APIS MELLIFICA 30The knees are swollen, shiny, sensitive, sore, and painfully stinging in this instance; apis mel is effective in acute conditions. Warmth can aggravate the condition; cold application is better.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-Another effective homeopathic treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint is ruta graveolans. The main indication symptoms for its use are pain in the knees that worsens when the knee is bent while kneeling or walking down stairs, when the pain in the knee joint improves with pressure applied to the affected knee, and when the pain in the knee joint improves with stretching the limb.

In cases of osteoarthritis of the knees, where the pain is accompanied by stiffness and cracking in the knee joints, causticum is also an effective medication. The pain is alleviated by applying heat and aggravated by exposure to cold air.

SULPHUR 200– Sulphur is also very effective in treating osteoarthritic knee joint pains, including stiffness and pain that worsen on standing, pain that prevents patients from walking upright, and pain that is aggravated by using stairs.

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