Homeopathy Medicine for Amenorrhea


Women who have missed three or more menstrual periods in a row as well as girls who haven’t started menstruating by the age of 15 are said to have amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation.


1. PRIMARY-If the menstrual cycle hasn’t begun by the time you’re 16 years old, it’s called primary amenorrhea, and you should seek medical attention in such cases. The menstrual cycle typically begins between the ages of 11 and 15 years.

Congenital absence of the uterus or fallopian tubes, structural abnormalities in the female reproductive system, vaginal atresia (where the vagina is abnormally closed or absent), and imperforate hymen (where the hymen, a thin membrane that surrounds the vagina and usually has a small opening in the center, is absent in imperforate hymen, blocking the vaginal canal) are some of the causes of primary amenorrhe

2. SECONDARYA woman must have missed periods for at least three months or more in order to be diagnosed with secondary amenorrhea; in addition, it is diagnosed when a woman having irregular periods d.


Amenorrhea’s primary warning sign is theabsence of menstrual periodsAccording to the amenorrhea’s underlying cause,

Along with not having periods, a person may also experience other symptoms or signs, such as:

  • Milky nipple discharge
  • Hair loss
  • Headache
  • Vision changes
  • Excess facial hair
  • Pelvic pain
  • Acne


Amenorrhea can happen for a number of reasons, some of which are common to women’s lives while others may be a result of medication or a symptom of a more serious condition.

Natural Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea can occur naturally for a variety of reasons throughout a woman’s lifetime, including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breast-feeding
  • Menopause
  • Contraceptives

Even after stopping oral contraceptives, it may take some time before normal ovulation and menstruation return. Contraceptives that are injected or implanted, as well as some types of intrauterine devices, may cause amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is a condition in which some women take birth control pills and do not have periods.

Amenorrhea can occasionally be caused by lifestyle factors, such as:

  • Low body weight –Women with eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia, frequently stop having periods as a result of these abnormal hormonal changes. Excessively low body weight, which is about 10% below normal weight, disrupts many hormonal functions in our body and may stop ovulation.
  • Excessive exercise –Several factors, including low body fat, stress, and high energy expenditure, work together to contribute to the loss of periods in athletes. Women who participate in sports that require rigorous training, such as ballet, may find that their menstrual cycles are disrupted.
  • Stress –Regular menstrual periods usually resume once your stress levels drop because mental stress can momentarily change how your hypothalamus, an area of your brain that controls the hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle, functions.
  • HORMONAL –Amenorrhea may also result from hormonal changes.
  • DISEASE CONDITION –Amenorrhea may result from certain medical conditions, such asPCOD


Amenorrhea problems can occur because of:




PULSATILLA :It is a very effective medicine to correct the hormonal imbalance and regularize the periods in cases of amenorrhea. It is well indicated in females who frequently miss their periods. There is a tendency to get always late periods. There is scanty bleeding of black, clotted, thin, and watery menstruation. There is milky discharge from the nipples along with amenorrhea.

SEPIA :Useful for women who complain of missing their periods for several months at a time. Recommended for women who experience depression before menstruation. There is violent bearing down pain in the pelvis. Also indicated when a woman experiences vaginal discharge in place of menstruation. Also helpful for women who have facial hair, which can also be present with these symptoms.

NATRUM MUR :Very-very helpful medication for amenorrhea with hair loss. It helps cases where menstruation is suppressed due to grief. Menstruation is suppressed. It appears late but with heavy bleeding. Menstruation is thin, watery, and pale. Menstruation is preceded and followed by headaches.

CONIUM :This medication helps women whose periods are suppressed, who typically have late or brief periods, spotting, pain, swelling in the breasts, small red bumps on the body, and itching in the vagina after periods.

IGNATIA :Effective medication for menstrual irregularities brought on by grief. Suitable for females who experience frequent fits of sadness and depression.


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