Homeopathy Medicine for Acute Osteomyelitis


A young person after suffering a local injury comes with severe pain and extreme local tenderness, starting near the end of a long bone. Pus makes its way to the surface under the periosteum with local swelling, redness and heat. There is a marked rise in temperature to around 104 F. The condition is ACUTE OSTEOMYELITIS.

When coagulase-positive staphylococcus, pneumococci, or H. influenza are involved, acute osteomyelitis frequently results from a focus on the skin, such as in the tonsils or from a wound. The infection is brought on by bacteraemia, and a small abscess forms beneath the periosteum or occasionally in the medulla of the bone.

Symptoms of Acute Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis symptoms include the following:

  • Fever
  • An infection-related area that is swollen, warm, and red
  • inflammation-related discomfort
  • Fatigue

This may be especially true for infants, older adults, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Osteomyelitis occasionally causes no signs and symptoms or the symptoms are difficult to distinguish from other problems.

Causes of Acute Osteomyelitis

Staphylococcus bacteria, which are frequently found on healthy people’s skin or in their noses, are to blame for the majority of cases of osteomyelitis.

Several methods exist for germs to get inside a bone, including:

  • The bloodstream.Through your bloodstream, germs from other parts of your body, such as those from a urinary tract infection or pneumonia in the lungs, can spread to a weak spot in a bone.
  • Injuries.Germs can enter the body through severe puncture wounds, broken bones that have broken so badly that part of the bone is poking through the skin, and severe puncture wounds that are infected enough to spread into nearby bones.
  • Surgery.During joint replacement or fracture repair procedures, there is a risk of direct microbial contamination.

Homoeopathic Treatment of Acute Osteomyelitis :

Calcarea phosphoricaThis remedy is prescribed based on the constitutional expression. It is also effective for osteoporosis, slow ossification, non-union of bones, rickets, delayed healing of broken bones, acute upon chronic osteomyelitis, and delicate, tall, thin children with scrofulous and gouty constitutions.

Fluoricum acidumhas an effect on the long bones that causes decay and necrosis, favors the expulsion of the necrosed part, and causes the patient to move around vigorously. Fluoricum acidum is a hot patient and is always better by cold. Destructiveness is the hallmark of this acid, which produces slow, deep, destructive effects.

Aurum metallicumExostosis of the head, lumps under the scalp, decay of the nasal, palatine, and mastoid bones, soreness of the affected bones, better in the open air and worse at night, paralytic and tearing pains in the joints, tendency for ulcer which attack the bones, and a predominance of boring pains and burning stitches are all conditions that this remedy affects.

Mezereumis the most effective vegetable analog and antidote to mercurius solubilis mezereum. It affects the skin, bones, nerves, and mucous membrane. It is very sensitive to cold air. The secretions are acrid and contain a lot of pus. The pain is worse at night. The ulcer is thick, hard, and painful. It forms a thick crust or scab with pus beneath.

Silicea terrais beneficial for diseases of the bones and cartilages, including decay and necrosis, softening of the bones, and fibrotic conditions and scar tissues. Silicea terra is related to all pustulous burrowings and encourages the expulsion of foreign objects. In osteomyelitis, the pus and sequestrum are formed by the decay and necrosis of the bone.

GunpowderGunpowder, which typically comes in low potencies, is prescribed for treating acute infections, boils, abscesses, and bites. It is a mixture of carbon, sulphur, and kali nitricum.

Calcarea fluoricais a fantastic treatment for periostitis, particularly of the ribs and lower jaw, as well as bone deformities and fistulous bone ulceration.

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