Homeopathy Medicine for Brain Abscess


Bacterial infections are more commonly the cause of brain abscesses in healthy individuals, while fungal infections are more common in those with compromised immune systems.

According to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, infections from other parts of the body account for between 20 and 50 percent of all cases of brain abscesses. Heart and lung infections are among the most frequent causes, but brain abscesses can also start from an ear, sinus, or even an abscessed toot.


There are a number of illnesses, disorders, and conditions that increase our risk of developing a brain abscess, but some groups of people are more at risk than others.

  • AIDS or HIV infection-related immune system compromise
  • Chronic conditions such as cancer
  • Congenital heart disease
  • severe brain damage or a broken skull
  • Meningitis
  • chemotherapeutic agents that suppress the immune system
  • Middle ear infections or persistent sinus infections

Tetralogy of Fallot, a heart defect, is one such birth defect that makes it easier for infections to enter the intestines and reach the brain.

Symptoms of Brain Abscess

  • alterations in mental functions, including irritability, a loss of responsiveness, and a greater degree of confusion
  • Decreased speech
  • Decreased sensation
  • reduced motion as a result of muscle loss
  • Changes in vision
  • alterations in behavior or personality
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • stiff neck, especially if it also includes chills and a fever
  • Sensitivity to light

The majority of the symptoms are similar in infants and young children, but our child may exhibit additional signs of a brain abscess, such as a swollen or bulging fontanelle, which is the soft spot on top of our baby’s head.

  • Projectile vomiting
  • High-pitched crying
  • Spasticity in the limbs

Diagnosis of Brain Abscess

  1. medical examinations of the nervous system that can detect any swelling-related pressure increases in the brain.

2. A brain abscess can also be identified using CT and MRI scans.

3. A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is a procedure that involves taking a small sample of cerebral spinal fluid to check for conditions other than an infection. However, if there is any suspicion of significant brain swelling, as this procedure can temporarily worsen intracranial pressure, it will not be done. This is done to reduce the risk of a brain hematoma, or a ruptured blood vessel in the brain.

Homeopathic Treatment of Brain Abscess

BelladonnaIt is useful for treating the early signs of an abscess and is advised when an area swells quickly, turns bright red, throbs fiercely, and radiates redness.

Hepar SulphurIt is the best homeopathic treatment for suppurations where the pus has not broken down, and it is especially suitable for lymphatic and phlegmatic people.Excessive sensitivity to the touch is a key symptom.

SiliceaNo matter where the suppurative process is located, there is thin, watery pus and the process is slow and indolent. This is most commonly indicated where the suppuration continues and the wound refuses to heal.

MercuriusUseful for pus that is green in color, quite thin and fluid, and indicates glandular abscesses. It favors pus formation especially in the lower potencies.

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