Homeopathy Medicine for Coma


A person is attacted with deep, persistent and prolonged and unconsciousness from which he cannot be roused by shaking or calling. The case is of COMA (a lesser degree of coma is STUPOR)

Causes of COMA

  • The most frequent cause is a head injury.
  • internal brain lesions that are hemorrhagic or embolic.
  • An hypertensive attack.
  • the bleeding of a meningeal vessel.
  • Thrombosis-related blockage of a cerebral vessel
  • A hypoglycaemic condition.

A cerebral infarction or hypnotic drug intoxication may be the cause if the coma continues after a night of rest and sleep.

Get the right history from family, neighbors, etc. to determine the cause of the coma first. For example:

  • any underlying disease, such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension.
  • Are they considering suicide (from poisoning) or depressed?
  • (Cerebral neoplasm) Does the patient experience headaches?
  • Did this attack start out slowly (hypoglycemia) or suddenly (cerebral hemorrhage)?

Meningitis, epilepsy, intracranial tumors, or abscesses can cause coma in children; suspet cerebral hemorrhage can cause it in adults.

Symptoms of COMA

The following are frequent indications of a coma:

  • Closed eyes
  • reduced brainstem reflexes, including the inability of pupils to react to light
  • There are only reflex movements as limb responses.
  • Aside from reflex actions, there is no reaction to painful stimuli.
  • Irregular breathing


Despite the fact that many coma survivors gradually regain consciousness, some suffer major or minor disabilities after their recovery, while others pass away or go into a vegetative state.

Infections in the urinary tract, blood clots in the legs, pressure sores, and other complications can arise while a person is in a coma.

Homeopathic Treatment of COMA

Helleborus nigerdevelops coma and unconsciousness following a blow to the head that causes a concussion, and when arnica Montana does not help the situation. If hydrocephalus is present, the patient will roll their head from side to side while moaning; if meningitis is present, the patient will bore their head into the pillow for relief. This comatose state can be brought on by checked exanthemata, blows, or disappointed love.

Hyoscyamus nigeris for erotic mania; inclined to immodest acts and gestures; patient is prone to laughing at everything; muttering delirium; low speech with constant carphologia and deep stupor; patient can hardly be aroused; facial twitching is a prominent feature; unconsciousness; typhoid and other infections with coma vigil.

Moschushas ferocious rage, talks hysterically, raves, scolds, until mouth turns dry, lips turn blue, eyes start, and then passes out. In addition, there is a generalized or localized coldness to the body that is a hallmark of this remedy.

The first three remedies that come to our mind are opium, natrium sulphuricum, and arnica montana. Coma can be caused by either a head injury or by an embolic or haemorrhagic lesion within the brain substance.

Arnica MontanaArnica Montana has the distinctive symptom that when the patient is spoken to, he responds correctly but relapses; muttering delirium. It treats hemorrhage of any kind, including strokes, dilatation of blood bessels, rupture of small vessels, or hemorrhage into tissues of internal organs or the skin.

opium,Despite the fact that none of the complaints are painful, they are all characterized by stupor, heavy deep sleep, stertorous breathing, sweaty skin, a face that turns a dark mahogany brown, passive venous congestion, and contracted pupils.

Coma from uraemia, renal failure, and a high fever, made worse by stimulants, is a profound, death-like state.

Belladonnacoma from meningitis has a sudden onset, high fever, dilated, glossy eyes, and is accompanied by extreme hypersensitivity to light, touch, and noise. The patient also complains of a throbbing headache.

Gelsminum sempervirensThe effects of fright, fear, exciting news, dread of falling, fear of doctors, and dentists, as well as the possibility of a stroke with accompanying symptoms of coma, paralysis, and stupor, as well as the effects of drug overdose, center on the muscles and nerves. In the muscles, it causes an overwhelming aching, tiredness, heaviness, weakness, and soreness.

zincum metallicumThere is restlessness in the limbs; cannot keep them still; head retracted during coma with starting eyes rolled upwards; Zincum Metallicum is too weak to develop an exanthema a menstruate, expectorate, urinate, or to understand or remember; a large part of its action is described by the word “fatigue.”


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