Homeopathy Medicine for Cellulitis


The skin that is affected by cellulitis is usually swollen, red, and warm to the touch. Cellulitis is a common, bacterial skin infection.

Cellulitis develops when a crack or break in your skin allows bacteria to enter, usually affecting the skin on your lower legs, though it can also affect the skin on your face, arms, and other areas.

Symptoms of Cellulitis

One side of the body typically exhibits cellulitis symptoms and signs:

  • Skin color change from red to more color
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Pain
  • Warmth
  • Fever
  • Red spots
  • Blisters
  • Skin dimpling

Causes of Cellulitis

When bacteria enter our bodies through a crack or break in our skin, most frequently streptococcus and staphylococcus, cellulitis develops.

Bacteria are most likely to enter disrupted areas of skin, such as where the surgery, cuts, puncture wounds, an ulcer, athlete’s foot, or dermatitis. Although cellulitis can occur anywhere on the body, the lower leg is the most common site.

Bacteria can enter through swollen or dry, flaky skin patches to cause cellulitis, which can also be brought on by animal bites.

Risk factors

You’re more likely to get cellulitis because of a number of things:

  • Injury.Bacteria can enter the body through any fracture, burn, cut, or scrape.
  • Weakened immune system.You are more vulnerable to infections if you have an immune system that is compromised by illnesses like diabetes, leukemia, HIV/AIDS, and certain medications.
  • Skin conditions.Breaks in the skin can result from ailments like eczema, athlete’s foot, and shingles, providing bacteria with a point of entry.
  • Chronic swelling of your arms or legs (lymphedema).This problem can develop after surgery.
  • Obesity.Cellulitis risk is higher for people who are obese or overweight.


The lymphatic drainage system may be harmed by repeated cellulitis episodes, which will result in chronic swelling of the afflicted limb.

Rarely, the fascial lining, a deep layer of tissue, can become infected.

Prevention of Cellulitis

If cellulitis recurs:

  • Wash your wound daily with soap and water.As you would when taking a typical bath, be gentle.

Apply a protective cream or ointment.

Cover your wound with a bandage.At least once per day, change the bandages.Inspect your feet daily.Check your feet frequently for signs of trauma to help you spot infections early.Moisturize skin regularly.Applying moisturizer to the skin helps prevent peeling and cracking, but avoid getting it on open wounds.Trim your fingernails and toenails carefully.Be cautious to avoid damaging the skin around it.Protect hands and feet.Gloves and the right shoes are required.

Promptly treat infections on the skin’s surface (superficial), such as athlete’s foot.People can easily contract superficial skin infections from one another.

Homeopathic Medicine for Cellulitis

  • RHUS TOXICODENDRON :Warm application improves the condition, which is made worse by cold, wet, and rainy weather and is a great treatment for cellulitis, which causes intensely red and swollen skin.
  • APIS MELLIFICA :Excellent for sudden puffing of the entire body, rosy-hued skin that is sore, sensitive, and stinging, and cellulitis following an insect bite.
  • LACHESIS :The condition improves by the appearance of discharge and warm applications. Excellent treatment for pus-filled dissecting wounds, blue-black swellings, and severe cases of cellulitis.
  • SILICEA :Identified treatment for fever in cellulitis with eerie shivering throughout the body, for skin where every small wound suppurates and has foul pus in it.

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