Homeopathy Medicine for Cyclic Vomiting


episodes are similar, which means they typically start at the same time of day, last for the same amount of time, and occur with the same symptoms and intensity on a regular basis in young children. vomiting episodes can last for hours or days and alternate with symptom-free periods.

Although it usually starts in children between the ages of 3 and 7, cyclic vomiting syndrome affects people of all ages; however, while it is more common in children, there are now more cases of the condition being diagnosed in adults.


  • Vomiting three or more times in a row, each time beginning at about the same time and lasting about the same amount of time.
  • Various periods between episodes of generally good health and absence of nausea
  • Before an episode begins, there is severe nausea and perspiration

During a vomiting episode, there may be additional symptoms and signs like:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Headache
  • Retching or gagging


Genes, digestive issues, nervous system issues, and hormone imbalances are a few potential causes of cyclic vomiting syndrome, but the exact cause is unknown. Particular bouts of vomiting may be triggered by:

  • allergies, sinus issues, or the common cold
  • especially in children, emotional tension or excitement
  • especially in adults, anxiety or panic attacks
  • alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and cheese are just a few examples of certain foods and beverages.
  • fasting, overeating, or consuming food just before bed
  • Hot weather
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Exercising too much
  • Menstruation
  • Motion sickness

The management of cyclic vomiting syndrome may benefit from pinpointing the causes of vomiting episodes.


These complications can result from the cyclic vomiting syndrome:

  • Extreme cases of dehydration may require hospitalization and are brought on by frequent vomiting, which causes the body to lose water quickly.
  • The esophagus, which connects the mouth to the stomach, can be hurt by stomach acid that rises with vomit, and in some cases, this irritation can cause the esophagus to bleed.
  • Vomit acid has the ability to corrode tooth enamel, causing tooth decay.


Additional lifestyle modifications could be helpful, such as:

  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Dismissing the significance of upcoming occasions in the presence of kids because excitement can be a trigger
  • avoiding foods that cause reactions, such as cheese, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine
  • daily, regular consumption of small meals and low-fat snacks


IPECAC :Given when vomiting is in copious quantities, may be accompanied by cutting or colicky abdominal pain, a loss of appetite, and may be accompanied by a cough (a spasmodic cough). There may be vomiting of white glairy mucus, watery fluid, yellowish or greenish colored matter, or undigested food.

ARSENIC ALBUM :When vomiting occurs shortly after eating or drinking, it is indicated that you should take this medication. It is helpful for vomiting in cases of food poisoning and GIT infections.

VERATRUM ALBUM :Given when there is copious and forcible vomiting of bile or food and drink, continual nausea, retching, and weakness, as well as frequent, watery, gushing stools with abdominal cramps or extremely severe pinching colic, this medicine is effective for treating vomiting that is accompanied by diarrhea.

COLOCYNTH :Useful for crampy, colicky, cutting, or gripping pain that is most noticeable around the navel and may be caused by food or yellow-green substances. Recommended when abdominal pain is relieved by bending over backwards or applying pressure. Useful for vomiting that is accompanied by abdominal pain.

FERRUM MET :When vomiting is sour and acidic and there is pain or pressure in the pit of the stomach, which tends to go away after vomiting, as well as when there are eructations of a sour, foul taste, it is useful. It is also useful when a cough gets worse after eating and is followed by vomiting.

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