Homeopathy Medicine for Lymphangitis


A major part of your immune system, the lymphatic system, becomes inflamed when you have lymphangitis.

Our body’s lymphatic system is made up of a network of organs, cells, ducts, and glands. The glands, also known as nodes, are spread throughout our body, but are most noticeable in our groin, armpits, and under our jaw.

the following body parts are included in your lymphatic system:

  • the throat’s tonsils
  • Blood purification is one of the functions of the spleen, an organ in our abdomen.
  • The thymus, a chest organ that aids in the development of white blood cells

The lymphatic system also filters a whitish-clear fluid called lymph, which contains bacteria-killing white blood cells. Immune cells called lymphocytes, which are produced in our bone marrow, mature there before moving to our lymph nodes and other organs to assist in protecting our body against viruses and bacteria.

Our lymph nodes filter these harmful substances out of the fluid and produce more white blood cells to combat the infection as lymph travels through our body along lymphatic vessels and gathers fats, bacteria, and other waste products from cells and tissues.

Tender red streaks frequently radiate toward the nearest lymph glands in infectious lymphangitis, which is caused by viruses and bacteria entering the lymphatic vessels through an infected cut or wound. Other symptoms include fever, chills, and a general feeling of being unwell.

If lymphangitis is treated right away, it frequently goes away without causing any problems, but if it is not, complications can happen and the condition can get very serious.

Incorrect terms for lymphangitis include “blood poisoning,” “thrombophlebitis,” or “blood clot.”

Causes of Lymphangitis

A secondary infection is one that develops as a result of an initial infection, such as lymphangitis.

The lymph vessels develop inflammation and an infection when the infection spreads from the initial site to them.

Lymphangitis can also result from viral or fungal infections, but bacterial infections are by far the most frequent cause.

An infection that results in lymphangitis can be brought on by any wound that allows a virus, bacteria, or fungus to enter the body.

  • Injury from stepping on a nail or other sharp object, which results in puncture wounds
  • Skin conditions like cellulitis that are untreated or very severe
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Wound that requires stitches
  • Infected surgical wounds
  • A common skin infection caused by a fungus that affects gardeners is sporotrichosis.

Bacteria or viruses can enter the lymphatic channels through cuts or wounds, or they can spread from an infection that already exists, resulting in infectious lymphangitis.

Acute streptococcal infection, which is a bacterial infection, is the most typical infectious cause of lymphangitis, though it can also be caused by a staphylococcal (staph) infection.

A skin infection that is already present and worsening may cause lymphangitis, which increases the risk that bacteria will soon enter the bloodstream and cause complications like sepsis, a condition that can be fatal and cause widespread inflammation in the body.

Our vulnerability to lymphangitis is increased by the following factors:

  • Diabetes
  • Lack of immunity or diminished immune response
  • Chronic steroid use
  • Chickenpox

Farmers and gardeners may get lymphangitis if they get sporotrichosis, a soil-borne fungal infection, or if they get bitten by a cat or dog, or if they get a wound made in fresh water.

Non-infectious factors can also contribute to lymphangitis, such as cancers of the breast, lungs, stomach, pancreas, rectal, or prostate. Lymphangitis has also been observed in people with Crohn’s disease.

Symptoms of Lymphangitis

It is common for red streaks to extend from an open wound or cut and run along the skin’s surface from the infected area to the closest lymph gland. In some cases, the streaks may blister.

Other symptoms include:

  • Chills
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Fever
  • An overall bad feeling, or malaise
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Aching of muscles


  • Check for swelling during the physical exam by looking at the lymph nodes.
  • A biopsy to determine what is causing the swelling
  • testing blood for the presence of the infection.

If a patient has swollen lymph nodes, a doctor may assume that they have lymphangitis just from their symptoms.


The complications listed below can result from the rapid spread of lymphangitis:

  • Cellulitis, a skin infection
  • A blood infection called bacteremia
  • a potentially fatal, systemic infection called sepsis
  • Abscess, a sore pus-filled area that frequently has swelling and inflammation

Visit a medical professional right away if you experience any of the following symptoms because they could be life-threatening if bacteria enter our bloodstream:

  • The infection site is becoming more painful or rosy.
  • Growing red streaks
  • a lymph node’s discharge, such as pus or fluid
  • fever lasting longer than two days that is higher than 101°F (38.3°C)

Homeopathic Treatment of Lymphangitis

CALCAREA IODIDE– Very effective treatment for gland enlargement. Typically administered when there is glandular hardness

CALCAREA FLOUR –The cervical and lymphatic glands can enlarge slowly and painfully, and the bronchial and mesenteric glands can enlarge as well. These enlargements are worse in wet weather and improve with hot fomentations and rubbing.

CALCREA CARBMost effective medication for people who are chubby and fat and have swollen glands that are prone to suppurating; recommended for people who have sour, offensive head sweat.

SCROPHULARIA NODOSA– Excellent treatment for nodules in the breasts and for suppuration and inflammation of the glands.

GRAPHITES-Excellent for treating symptoms of enlarged glands in the neck, groin, and axilla.

BELLADONNA –Very effective treatment for heavy, red, sensitive, or axillary glandular swellings that are threatening suppuration.

LAPIS ALBUSEffective for enlargement of mesenteric glands as well as enlarged glands with a certain amount of softness rather than stony hardness.

IODUM-Except for mammary glands, which shrink, all of the skin wrinkles, and there is muscle shrinkage, this medicine is very helpful for the enlargement of glands, including tonsils, with the withering of the entire body.

CARBO ANIMALISUseful when glands slowly enlarge and then remain; they do not suppurate; they do not enlarge significantly; they are hard. -Excellent remedy for glandular swellings.

For painful gland inflammation, MERC IODIDE is extremely helpful.

AETHUSA-Appropriate for glandular swelling, wherein the swelling of the glands forms a string of beads-like glands around the neck.

PHYTOLACCA DEC –Very helpful for breast tumors with enlarged axillary glands and glandular swelling with heat and inflammation.

BROMIUM– The most effective treatments for glandular enlargement. Beneficial for testicular enlargement because the glands are hard and do not have a tendency to suppurate.

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