Homeopathy Medicine for Scurvy


Anemia, mental depression, spongy gums, and a propensity to bleed are all features of this constitutional disease, which is characterized by extreme debility.


Scurvy is brought on by a lack of vitamin C, which humans are unable to produce on their own.

Inadequate vitamin C intake prevents the body from producing collagen, which causes the deterioration of body tissues. It also aids in the body’s ability to absorb iron, which is necessary for the production of collagen and the prevention of anemia. Vitamin C also regulates a number of other vital processes, including body development, cellular activity, and the production of hormones and tissues.

Additional factors that can lead to the development of scurvy include drug or alcohol dependence, mental health issues like schizophrenia, depression, nausea, poor diet, loss of appetite, smoking, being pregnant or nursing, and other conditions.


Scurvy in Adults

Scurvy symptoms for adults typically include: Scurvy has decreased in prevalence, but it can still be brought on by poor diet or eating habits.

  • Gum inflammation and bleeding
  • Especially in the legs, joint pain
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Red spots on skin
  • Swelling in wounds

Scurvy in Infants

Scurvy is more common in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and in infants, there may be a variety of symptoms that can aid in scurvy detection, such as:

  • High fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite


When the symptoms are described to the physician, scurvy can be quickly identified by him or her, and the presence of the disease can also be determined by a quick blood test that measures vitamin C levels.

Consumption of Vitamin C Per Day:

Below is the daily requirement for vitamin C, which must be consumed in order to avoid scurvy and maintain good health.

Men over the age of 18 should consume 90 milligrams of vitamin C every day, while women over the age of 18 should consume 75 milligrams, pregnant women over the age of 18, 85 milligrams, and nursing women over the age of 18, 120 milligrams.

Sources of Vitamin C:

The best sources of vitamin C in nature are generally regarded to be fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C is found in foods such as oranges, kiwis, grapes, lemons, strawberries, sprouts, tomatoes, asparagus, and cabbage. It is best to eat these foods raw because cooking them can destroy their nutrients. If you prefer your vegetables cooked, steaming is preferable to boiling.


Arsenic Alb

Debility is obvious; the child is severely underweight; there are severe gastrointestinal problems; and the mouth has an extremely fetid odor.


is indicated when the patient has fetid breath, bleeding gums, and unhealthy skin in addition to these symptoms.


The hallmark signs of the treatment are blue, unhealthy-looking gums that recede from teeth, swollen, excruciatingly painful legs, and blue, unhealthy-looking skin ulcerations.


Gums that are inflamed, have an ulcerated mouth, and have discharge coming from their genitalia and epistaxis.

Carbo Veg

persistent bleeding from the nose, kidneys, or bowels, as well as from the gums and nose.

Arnica and Symphytum

For pains in legs.

Note:Diet is the most crucial aspect of treating scurvy; fruit juices and vegetables should be the primary foods consumed to ensure rapid improvement. Mouthwash made from a mixture of ten parts distilled water and a mother tincture of calendula will aid in healing and remove fetor.

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