Homeopathy Medicine for Warts


Different sub-types of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a double-stranded DNA virus, cause different types of warts, as well as cervical cancer and other less common wart-related cancers.

The Wart Root Myth

Contrary to popular belief, warts do not have “roots”; they only develop in the epidermis, the top layer of skin; when they descend, they displace the dermis, the second layer of skin; and the bottom of a wart is actually smooth.

The Appearance of Warts

When a wart develops on thin skin, such as the face, the cylindrical columns do not fuse; however, on thicker skin, the columns fuse and are packed closely together, creating the typical mosaic pattern on the surface. Black dots may occasionally be seen in a wart; however, these are actually blood vessels that have grown quickly and erratically into the wart and have thrombosed or clotted off.

It appears that a person’s immune system is related to their susceptibility to warts and the length of time it takes for them to disappear. Warts can affect people of all ages, but they most frequently affect children and young adults. They spread through direct contact, simply by touching the wart.


Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which has nearly 100 different types and is typically contracted in swimming pools, is the primary cause of warts. Types 1, 2, and 3 of HPV are responsible for the majority of common warts, with Type 1 HPV virus being linked to deep plantar and palmar warts and Type 2 HPV virus being responsible for common warts, filiform warts, plantar warts, and mosaic plantar warts.

In most cases, warts are painless, harmless, and disappear on their own. Warts are skin growths brought on by contact with the contagious human papillomavirus. They can spread from person to person or via contact with an object used by a person with the virus.

Genital Warts (HPV)

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease and is the cause of genital warts, which are flesh-colored or gray growths that can appear in the genital region and anal region of both men and women. Genital wart infection may not be obvious.

Both men and women can get genital warts, and they can develop at any age.

Genital warts are extremely contagious, and there is a 60% chance of contracting the infection from just one sexual encounter with a patient who has them. The majority of patients with genital warts are between the ages of 17 and 33.

Genital warts in children should raise the suspicion of sexual abuse even though it is believed that they are spread nonsexually, such as through direct manual contact, in children under the age of three.


The human papillomavirus (HPV), which has been identified in over 100 varieties and has the capacity to infect the genital region in about 40 of them, is the cause of genital warts.

Other HPV types have been strongly associated with premalignant changes and cervical cancers in women, with types 16, 18, 31, and 45 together accounting for 80% of cancers. About 90% of genital warts are caused by two specific types of the virus (HPV-6 and -11), and these HPV types are considered “low risk,” having a low cancer-causing potential.

The viral particles can enter the skin and mucosal surfaces through microscopic abrasions in the genital area, which happen during sexual activity. Genital warts are different from common warts in that they are caused by different HPV types that infect the skin. The latency (quiet) period of months to years may occur once cells are invaded by HPV.

In most cases, genital warts appear within three months for two-thirds of individuals who have sex with a partner who has them.

Due to increased sexual contact without barrier protection, having multiple partners, and having sex at a young age, birth control pill use is inadvertently linked to genital warts.


The most common places for warts to appear on the body are on the fingers, elbows, knees, face, scalp, and soles of the feet. Common warts commonly develop on the backs of the hands and on the fingers. Flat warts are those that occur in large numbers, anywhere on the body. Genital warts, on the other hand, are rough elevations of the skin that cause pain and make it difficult to walk.


  • Genital warts are not painful, but they may still bother you because of where they are, how big they are, or because they itch.
  • When several warts join together, the size can vary from less than one millimeter across to several square centimeters.
  • Genital warts commonly cause no pain, itching, or discharge, which both men and women will frequently lament.
  • When a wart affects the urethral opening, which is the opening through which urine leaves the body, bleeding or obstruction of the urinary tract may, in rare cases, be the initial issue.
  • Multiple warts are typical and can spread.
  • It’s possible that there has been a history of STDs in the past or currently.


CALCAREA CARB :Mostly indicated in people with clammy hands and feet who prefer routine and the familiar over change and the unknown. Useful for round, hard, solitary warts. Useful for endophytic warts with a horny wall surrounding a central depression.

CAUSTICUM :Suitable for warts that are hard, inflamed, painful, and sit on whitish-yellow, dirty-looking skin. There is fear that something terrible will happen and feel intense sympathy about the suffering of others. Useful for large, old warts on the face (especially the nose), under the fingernails, or warts on fingertips that bleed easily.

DULCAMARA :Usually recommended in people with rheumatic complaints that are worse in cold, damp weather or humidity, flat warts that are found on the backs of hands and faces, and soft brownish to black seborrheic warts that are located on the back.

FERRUM PICRIC :Helpful in some cases of flat or plane warts with irregular borders that develop on the face, neck, wrists, hands, and knees. Useful for small pointed warts that appear in large groups.

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