Homeopathy Medicine for Wilson Disease


Large amounts of copper are found in the liver and brain in Wilson disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects children. Wilson’s disease can be fatal, but it is frequently very responsive to medical treatment, especially if it is discovered before serious illness develops. Wilson’s disease can cause brain and nervous system damage, which can result in psychiatric and neuromuscular symptoms. It can also cause liver damage, which can be acute and very severe. It can also cause liver damage, which can be slowly progressive or acute and very

Our bodies require trace amounts of copper, which is found in food in much greater quantities than necessary.

When the liver can no longer hold the excess copper, the mineral enters the bloodstream and travels to other organs where it may damage the:

  • Brain
  • Red blood cells
  • Central nervous system
  • Kidneys
  • Eyes

Symptoms of Wilson Diesase

Depending on which organ is affected, Wilson’s disease presents with a wide range of signs and symptoms that can mimic those of other illnesses or conditions.


There may be copper buildup in the liver if the following signs and symptoms are present:

  • weakness
  • feeling tired
  • weight loss
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • itching
  • a skin condition known as jaundice
  • Edema, also known as abdominal and leg swelling
  • abdominal discomfort or bloating
  • spider angiomas, or skin-surface blood vessels that are visible as branching out
  • muscle cramps

Your doctor will perform several tests before confirming a diagnosis of Wilson’s disease because many of these symptoms, such as jaundice and edema, are similar to those of other conditions like liver and kidney failure.


the following signs of copper buildup in the brain:

  • impairment of speech, memory, or vision
  • abnormal walking
  • migraines
  • drooling
  • insomnia
  • clumsiness with hands
  • personality changes
  • changes in mood
  • depression
  • problems in school

Muscle spasms, seizures, and movement-related pain are a few of the symptoms that can occur in the later stages.

Kayser-Fleischer rings and sunflower cataract

Approximately 97 percent of people with Wilson’s disease have Kayser-Fleischer (K-F) rings, which are abnormal golden-brown eye discolorations brought on by deposits of too much copper. Your doctor will also look for K-F rings and sunflower cataracts in your eyes.

One in five patients with Wilson’s disease develop sunflower cataracts, which have a recognizable multicolored center and radiating spokes.

Other symptoms

Other organ copper accumulation can result in:

  • nails that have a bluish tinge to them
  • kidney stones
  • a lack of bone density or early onset of osteoporosis
  • arthritis
  • menstrual irregularities
  • low blood pressure

Causes of Wilson Disease

If you receive only one abnormal gene, you won’t become ill yourself, but you’re a carrier and can pass the gene to your children. Wilson’s disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, meaning that to develop the disease, you must inherit one copy of the defective gene from each parent.

Risk factors

Ask your doctor if you should undergo genetic testing to determine if you have Wilson’s disease. Diagnosing the condition as early as possible dramatically increases the chances of successful treatment. If your parents or siblings have the condition, you may be at increased risk of developing it.


Wilson’s disease poses a serious risk of death if left untreated.

      • Scarring of the liver (cirrhosis).It becomes more challenging for the liver to function as scar tissue forms in the liver as liver cells attempt to repair damage caused by too much copper.
        • Liver failure.A liver transplant may be an option as a treatment for this condition, which can develop slowly over years or suddenly (in the case of acute liver failure).
        • Persistent neurological problems.Treatment for Wilson’s disease typically improves symptoms like tremors, involuntary muscle movements, clumsy gait, and speech difficulties, but some people still experience persistent neurological issues.
        • Kidney problems.Wilson’s disease can harm the kidneys, which can result in issues like kidney stones and an unusual amount of amino acids being excreted in the urine.
        • Psychological problems.Changes in personality, depression, irritability, bipolar disorder, or psychosis are a few examples of these.
        • Blood problems.Hemolysis, which causes anemia and jaundice by destroying red blood cells, may be one of these.


  • Meat gelatin, lamb, pork, quail, duck, goose, squid, salmon, and organ meats like liver, heart, kidney, and brain are among the foods to avoid because they are high in copper.
  • Shellfish from the ocean, such as oysters, scallops, shrimp, lobster, clams, and crab.
  • Soybeans and soy substitutes, seeds, nuts, beans, and legumes; whole grains; broccoli, garlic, wheat germ; bran breads and cereals; fresh sweet potatoes; and sea plants.
  • dried peas, lentils, millet, barley, and a variety of dried beans, such as soy, lima, baked, garbanzo, and pinto beans.
  • Vegetable juice, cocktail, mushrooms.
  • Avocado, dates, raisins, and other commercially dried fruits like prunes and dates.
  • Copper is abundant in certain types of beer and chocolate.
  • Copper should not be consumed in excess of 1.0 mg daily in the diet.
  • Don’t use copper when cooking.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol because it can harm the liver and because Wilson’s disease may have already harmed the liver.


  • B6 intake should be increased because D-penicillamine patients can become deficient in pyridoxine, a vitamin that is part of the B6 family.
  • Live animals, seafood, poultry, eggs, milk, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, as well as herring, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.
  • by increasing zinc intake, copper levels are decreased:
  • Whole wheat, meat, poultry, milk, and seafood are low in zinc, as are plant-based foods.


Echinacea, Valerian, Lobelia, Alfalfa, etc.

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