Homeopathy Medicine for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


The term “non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” (NAFLD) refers to a number of ailments that are brought on by an accumulation of fat in the liver and are typically present in overweight or obese individuals.

Up to one in three people in the UK are thought to have NAFLD in its early stages, which results in small amounts of liver fat, as opposed to the little or no fat that should be present in a healthy liver.

High levels of fat in your liver are also linked to an increased risk of issues like diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. Early-stage NAFLD usually doesn’t cause any harm, but if it worsens, it can lead to serious liver damage, including cirrhosis.

The progression of NAFLD can be stopped, and the amount of fat in your liver can be decreased, if it is identified and treated at an early stage.


NAFLD progresses through four main phases.

Rarely, it can progress and eventually cause liver damage if not detected and treated, but the majority of people will only ever experience the first stage, usually without realizing it.

Following are the primary NAFLD stages:

  1. Simple fatty liver (steatosis) is an accumulation of fat in the liver cells that, for the most part, is not harmful. It is only occasionally identified during tests performed for another reason.
  2. Up to 5% of the UK population is thought to be affected by non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a more severe form of NAFLD in which the liver has become inflamed.
  3. fibrosis: a condition in which the liver still functions normally despite scar tissue being formed around it and the blood vessels nearby as a result of persistent inflammation.
  4. The most severe stage of cirrhosis is when the liver shrinks and becomes lumpy and scarred after years of inflammation; this damage is irreversible and can result in liver failure (where your liver stops functioning normally) and liver cancer.

Making changes to one’s lifestyle can stop the progression of the disease, even though fibrosis or cirrhosis can take years to develop.

Risk factor:

NAFLD is more likely to affect you if you:

  • if you have a large amount of belly fat (an “apple-like” body shape), are obese or overweight.
  • have type 2 diabetes
  • have high blood pressure
  • have high cholesterol
  • possess a 50+ age threshold
  • smoke

NAFLD has nevertheless been identified in individuals, including young children, who do not possess any of these risk factors.

NAFLD is not brought on by excessive alcohol consumption, despite the fact that it resembles ARLD very closely.


Early-stage NAFLD is typically asymptomatic, so you probably won’t even be aware that you have it unless tests are done for another reason and it is discovered.

When the disease is in its later stages, such as NASH or fibrosis, the following symptoms may occasionally occur:

  • a dull or sharp pain over the lower right side of the ribs in the top right corner of the stomach
  • fatigue (extreme tiredness)
  • unexplained weight loss
  • weakness

You may experience more severe symptoms, such as swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, or abdomen, itchy skin, and yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes (jaundice), if cirrhosis—the most advanced stage—becomes active.

Discover more information about cirrhosis symptoms.


Blood tests don’t always detect NAFLD, but they are frequently used to diagnose it after other liver conditions, such as hepatitis, are ruled out and a test called a liver function test yields an abnormal result.

An ultrasound scan of your abdomen, which uses sound waves to produce an image of your body’s interior, may also reveal the condition.

A special blood test, a different type of ultrasound scan (Fibroscan), or, in some cases, a needle-assisted removal of a small sample of liver tissue (biopsy) for laboratory analysis may be required if you are diagnosed with NAFLD in order to determine which stage you are in.

Treatment for NAFLD:

The majority of NAFLD sufferers won’t experience any significant issues, but it’s a good idea to take action if the condition is identified in order to prevent further progression.

There isn’t a specific drug for NAFLD as of yet, but adopting a healthy lifestyle can help, and treatment may be advised for complications or associated conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol.

Your doctor might advise you to schedule frequent visits so they can examine your liver and look for any signs of emerging issues.

Healthy diet and lifestyle:

The most effective strategy for managing NAFLD is to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes all of the following:

  • Lose weight; your BMI should be between 18.5-24.9; if you already have NASH, losing more than 10% of your body weight will help you to improve it.
  • Eating smaller portions of food can also help. Maintain a healthy diet by attempting to consume a balanced diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates and low in fat, sugar, and salt.
  • All forms of exercise, even if you don’t lose weight, can help improve NAFLD. Aim to complete at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity, such as walking or cycling.
  • The risk of issues like heart attacks and strokes can be decreased if you stop smoking.

Although drinking does not cause NAFLD, it can exacerbate the condition, so it is advised to reduce or stop consumption.


Even though there isn’t a drug to treat NAFLD as of yet, there are a number of medications that can help with managing the condition’s complications.

To treat type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or obesity, for instance, a doctor may prescribe medication.

Liver transplant:

You might need to be added to the list for a liver transplant if you experience severe cirrhosis and your liver becomes inoperable.

For liver transplants performed on adults, the typical waiting period is 145 days when the donor was recently deceased.

As the liver can regenerate itself, both the transplanted section and the remainder of the donor’s liver are able to grow to a normal size. As an alternative, it may be possible to have a transplant using a section of liver removed from a living donor.

Homoeopathic Medicine:

Chelidonium:When a fatty liver and right upper abdominal pain are present, this is frequently used to treat the condition. In such cases, the liver may be enlarged, and the patient will typically also experience constipation, nausea, and vomiting, as well as excessive weakness and a desire for hot food and beverages.

Lycopodium:This kind of homeopathic medication can be used to treat a fatty liver that is also acidic; the patient will typically experience bloating, belching, and a burning sensation in addition to these symptoms, which tend to get worse in the evening and may result in a strong desire for sweets and hot beverages.

Phosphorus:This is used to treat fatty acid cases that result in regurgitation, sour belching, and, in rare cases, liver pain, excessive flatulence, and, occasionally, vomiting as well as weakness when urinating.

Calcarea carb:These patients are frequently lactose intolerant, have chronic constipation, are overly sensitive to cold air, and sweat profusely from the head. Obese patients with this condition can be treated with calcarea carb.

Nux Vomica:fatty liver and abdominal pain treated with homeopathy.

These patients frequently experience abdominal pain a few hours after eating with sour or bitter tasting belches and may constantly feel the urge to pass stool but are unable to do so. Nux vomica is great for any abdominal problem, including fatty liver brought on by excessive alcohol consumption.

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