Homeopathic Remedies for Hardness of Hearing


Hardness of Hearing

Cause: Otitis, cold, otorrhoea, nervous debility.


Due to cold: Aconite 3x, Chamomilla 6, Puls. 3. Merc. 3. Due to otitis and associated with humming noise inside the ears: Bellad. 3, Causticum 6, Silicea 6, Sulphur 30. Due to otorrhoea or sudden suppuration of otorrhoea: Hepar Sulphur 30, Sulphur 30, Puls. 3, Merc. 6, Calcarea 6. Following upon measles etc.; Sulphur 30, Merc. 3, Carbo Veg. 30. Due to nervous prostration; Phosphoric Acid 1x-6, Phosphorus 6. Due to overuse of Mercury Nitric Acid 6, Hepar Sulphur 6, Aur. Met. 3x (trit.) ~200.

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