Homeopathic Remedies for Chronic Laryngitis


Chronic Laryngitis

This is the result of repeated acute attacks or of loud singing or vociferation, etc. It leads to constant hawking or

cough, hoarse voice or loss of voice, difficulty of breathing, etc.


Causticum 3-6—Hoarse voice; hard cough—leading even to unconscious evacuations. Argent Met. (trit.) 6—For professional singers and public speakers, professors etc. Arnica 6—For clergymen and orators, etc. Alumen 6—For old people, Selenium 6—For hoarse voice in old men. Drosera 2x-6—Raw sensation inside the throat; voice deep and unnatural, pain on speaking. Kali Iod. (5-10 gr.)— Chronic laryngitis in third stage of syphilis.

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