Homeopathic Remedies for Dysmenorrhoea



This means pain felt during the menstrual period. Ordinarily healthy menstruation is attended with some amount of pain and discomfort; cases where the pain is very severe, are called cases of Dysmenorrhoea. The pain is felt usually in the lower abdomen, back, and sacrum. It is usually due to recent or old-standing inflammation or deformity or obstruction or displacement of uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes. It may also be associated with gout or rheumatism.


Cimicifuga 6 Headache before the menstrual period; pain like that of Labor, during the menstrual period; pain in lower abdomen, groins, back, pit of stomach; dirty scanty blood or large clots passed. Pulsatilla 6-30; Cutting or tearing pain in loins, lower abdomen and back; loss of appetite, vertigo, chilliness, diarrhoea during menstrual period; scanty haemorrhage or occasionally profuse discharge in clots; gentle disposition of the patient. Bell 6-30 (In congestion of uterus and ovaries). Pain in pelvis; a feeling of intestines being forced through the vagina; pain commences only one day before menses; defecation is painful during menstrual period; cutting pain in abdomen; face and eyes are red and throb; patient is plethoric. Gelsemium 3x: Convulsion from congestion of uterus; crampy pain in thighs and genitals; pain starts in the abdomen and spreads to loins and upper part of back and is spasmodic in the neck; somnolence in the interval between pains; it is more efficacious if there be fever. [Some use it alternately with Caulophyllum 1x]. Chamomilla 6-30 Blood dirty and in clots; Labor-pain-like pain; frequent urination; pain in abdomen; a sensation of pressure from loin forwards; woman is of bilious and nervous temperament. Cocculus 6 Gripelike pain in abdomen, sensation of pressure in chest and difficulty of breathing; scanty blackish blood or leucorrhoea; vertigo; flatulence, nausea; occasional fainting. Xanthoxylum 1x-3x; Where Cocculus has done partial good or has totally failed, pain from lower abdomen to groin; fever. This is a very valuable remedy. Collinsonia 1x Stitching pain; abdominal pain extends to other parts of the body, profuse leucorrhoeal or bloody discharge. Caulophyllym 1x-3: Shreds of mucus membrane are passed with blood; pain is severe; constipation. Helonias 3x: Severe pain in uterus; constant pain in knee and back; passage of black thread-like bloody clots. Nux Vom. 6-30 Untimely scanty haemorrhage; chilliness; loss of appetite; morning sickness. Secale Cor. 3 Discharge of foul-smelling, dirty looking blood, long before the period is due; pain in lower abdomen like intestines forcing themselves through the vagina; cold sweat all over (especially in hands and feet); weak pulse; cutting pain in urinary bladder and rectum; acute pain and. debility from discharge not being free. Magnesia Phosph. 3x (trit.): (in hot water, every 10 mintues). Spasm-like pain in stomach and uterus. Apis 6 Stinging pain in the ovaries; pain like that of Labor. Viburnum Opulus 3 Sudden onset of pain during menstrual period; lasting 10—12 hours. Acute pain in the uterus, spreading all over abdomen. Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea. Try also (in 6th potency)—Crocus, Moschus, Lilium, Platina, Bryonia, Cuprum, Conium, Hamamelis 3x, Nitric Acid, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Sabina, Secale, Sepia, Senecio 1x, Sulphur 30, Graphites, Ferrum, Acon. 30 Cimicifuga 3, Cactus, 3, Chamomilla, Borax.

Abroma Augusta 0 (5 drops in a dose) thrice daily with half ounce of water. Janosia Ashoka 0 is also an important medicine.

Hot fomentation or hot hip-bath is very helpful. Forty- five grains of fresh root of Abroma Augusta rubbed up with black-peppers and the stalk of one betel-leaf taken in the morning for 3 successive days, during 3 successive menstrual periods, have been very helpful in many cases.

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