ADEL 78 DERCUT OINTMENT 35gm – Skin Ointment Fungal


INDICATIONS: For general skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, acne vulgaris, puberty rash, boils, herpes, and insect bites such as intertrigo and urticaria.

Some skin conditions, such as pubescent acne and leaky gut syndrome, can be brought on by an internal intoxification that overwhelms the body’s excretion abilities.

INGREDIENTS: Rhus toxicodendron BX, Bellis perennis BX, Euphorbia resinifera 4X, Hydrastis Canadensis 3X, Kreosotum 6X, Sempervivum tectorum 3X, Vinca minor 3X, and Viola tricolor 2X are some examples of plant species.

  • Bellis perennis in the complex exhibits a notable efficacy for inflamed skin exsudates with swellings and the signs of developing erysipelas, acne, and herpes, which manifest as ringing and painful ones.
  • The efflorescences of Euphorbia resifinera are red, swollen, itchy, and biting in nature and are used to treat erysipelas-like skin inflammations.
  • You can find signs of unhealthy skin to chickenpox, variola, and other adverse skin conditions here. Hydrastis canadensis is a great healing component of the ointment.
  • As a treatment for skin ulcers, kreosotum serves as an essential disinfectant for wounds, pustules, and states of intense itching.
  • Rhus toxidendron is an additional potent treatment for erysipelas and herpes efforescences with a broad range of effects, including bacteriostatic and pustular inflammations, itching, bruning, and paretic stares with neuralgia.
  • Unfortunately, it is overused, but the old Paracelsus remedy sempervivum tectorum, which is great for erysipelatous affections, skin wounds, and, most importantly, shingles with sticking pains, works for long periods of time until cancerous developments.
  • Vinca minor is a well-known skin remedy for itchy, burning pustules, wet eczemas, and skin conditions like trichoma.
  • The well-known treatment Viola tricolor works against impetigo efflorescences, crusta lactea, and scrofulous eczema, so that all of the medications together can reliably treat chronic bad skin diseases.


Apply three times per day with a dressing or bandage, or rub in locally.

Only for use outside the home.

BrandAdel Pekana
Container TypeTUBE
Shelf LifeMinimum 36 months
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Form FactorOintment
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 470

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