Homeopathy Medicine for Acute Pharyngitis


Acute pharyngitis is the condition that results in mild feverish catarrh, a tickling and hawking cough, a dry throat, and a little discomfort when swallowing.

Most of these cases are caused by viral infection and last for four to five days; occasionally, this acute pharyngitis extends to cause conjunctivitis, cervical adenitis, and in the lower respiratory tract- laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and occasionally pneumonia; it is frequently accompanied by temperature; another variety occurs due to influenza virus with many constitutional symptoms like body aches and sweating.

Causes of Acute Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis can be brought on by a wide range of bacteria and viruses, including:

  • Measles
  • One of the factors contributing to the common cold is adenovirus.
  • Chickenpox
  • A barking cough is the defining feature of the childhood illness croup.
  • Whooping cough
  • Group Astreptococcus

Pharyngitis is typically brought on by viral infections like the common cold, influenza, or mononucleosis because they do not respond to antibiotics and only require symptomatic relief. Viruses are the most common cause of sore throats.

The most frequent bacterial infection of the throat is strep throat, which is brought on by group A streptococci. Pharyngitis is less frequently caused by bacterial infections, which necessitate antibiotics.streptococcusChlamydia, corynebacterium, and gonorrhea are uncommon causes of bacterial pharyngitis.

People who work in the healthcare industry, have allergies, or have a history of recurrent sinus infections are at an increased risk of developing pharyngitis due to their frequent exposure to colds and flus.

Symptoms of Acute Pharyngitis

Depending on the underlying condition, pharyngitis symptoms can range from two to five days in incubation.

An additional symptom of a cold or flu is a sore, dry, or scratchy throat.

  • sneezing
  • runny nose
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Bodyaches
  • Chills
  • Fever, including high fevers associated with the flu and low fevers associated with colds.

Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Pharyngitis

1. Kalium bichromicum :-When pharyngitis is accompanied by throat dryness and accumulation of tenacious mucous, it is indicated in follicular pharyngitius, a condition in which the follicles of the throat become hypertrophied and resemble tubercles on the pharyngeal wall.

2. Hepar sulphuris :-Useful for hoarseness with voice loss, yellow tenacious mucus, and the feeling that there are splinters or a plug in the throat when swallowing.

3. Ignatia Amara :-Used for throat stitches when not swallowing, when there is a plug-like sensation and a propensity to choke.

4. Chimaphila :-helpful for enlarged tonsils and severe throat pain when swallowing.


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