Homeopathy Medicine for Adenoid Hypertrophy


The adenoid is a mass of tissue that is situated in the root of the nose, between the nasal passage and the throat, and it aids in the body’s defense against bacteria, viruses, and infections by producing antibodies. Typically in children, the adenoid enlarges between the ages of 2 and 12 years, when the majority of nose and throat infections are prevalent.


Adenoids are present at birth, develop until a child is between the ages of 3 and 5, and then start to shrink after about age 7. They also significantly shrink as an adult.

Adenoids help protect infants from infection by trapping bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the nose during the early years. They are situated in the passage that connects the back of the nasal cavity to the throat, and they produce antibodies to help your body fight off infections.

However, in some cases, the adenoids continue to be enlarged even after the infection has cleared up. When adenoids become infected, they typically enlarge and then shrink back to their normal size when the infection goes away.

Some children are born with enlarged adenoids, which can also be brought on by allergies.


Many symptoms, such as the following, can be brought on by enlarged adenoids:

  • blocked, stuffy nose
  • ear problems
  • problems sleeping
  • snoring
  • sore throat
  • difficulty swallowing
  • neck glands that are enlarged
  • respiratory issues that prevent nose breathing
  • Middle ear fluid buildup, also known as “glue ear,” or otitis media with effusion (which can affect hearing),
  • dry mouth and chapped lips as a result of breathing issues
  • Breathing pauses while sleeping; sleep apnea


Calcarea Carb-Calcarea carb is one of the best homeopathic remedies for enlarged adenoids in children who have excessive head sweating. The child is typically fat and flabby, very sensitive to cold air, and takes cold easily at every change in weather. He enjoys eggs and dislikes milk, but also enjoys many indigestible things like chalk, coal, and pencils. His appetite may rise along with the catarrhal symptoms.

Baryta Carb-The child has catarrh of the posterior nares, all kinds of glands swell and become hypertrophied, there may even be pus formation in the tonsils, and Baryta Carb is one of the best homeopathic medicines for adenoids enlargement in cases where there is tonsillitis or enlargement of the tonsils along with the hypertrophy of the adenoids.

Tuberculinum-When a child has extreme sensitivity to cold air and low temperatures, there may be a family history of tuberculosis, the child may appear mentally deficient, and the child has a high sensitivity to cold air and low temperatures, tuberculinum is one of the best homeopathic remedies for hypertrophied adenoids.

Thuja –Thuja is one of the best homeopathic remedies for discharge that is green in color from the nose and mucous membranes.

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