Baidyanath Agnikumar Ras (80 Tabs) : Ayurvedic Formulation For The Proper Functioning Of Digestive System


Regarding Agnikumar Ras

This medicine is referred to from the Ayurvedic treatise Bhaishajya Ratnavali, and it contains purified Mercury and Sulphur, black pepper, and many other ingredients. Agnikumar Ras is an herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine that is indicated for improving Agni or digestive fire to treat indigestion. It also improves and digestive function.

The main ingredient in this medicine is black pepper or maricha due to which it is hot in potency. Therefore, don’t use this medicine in indigestion with excess bile. If taken in Pitta-dominant indigestion, then excessive bile will cause person to feel burning sensation and uneasiness. Agnikumar Ras is indicated in kapha-pradhan (kapha/phlegm dominant) and vata-pradhan (Vata dominant) indigestion

Agnikumar Ras’s ingredients

  • Rasendra: Mercury that has been cleaned and prepared
  • Sulfur, processed and purified, Gandhaka
  • Borax that’s been cleaned and processed is Tankana.
  • Aconitum ferox purified by Visha
  • Bhasm of Cowries is known as kaparda Bhasma.
  • Conch shell is used in Shankha Bhasma.
  • Maricha, piper nigrum, and black pepper


  • Agnikumar Ras is a Deepan (increases Pitta) and Pachak (ignites digestive fire) medication that targets Agni or digestive fire specifically.
  • indigestion- and jaundice-related vomiting is particularly advised in Ajeerna.
  • The pain in the stomach is relieved.
  • Both digestion and appetite are enhanced by it.
  • It relieves excess kapha and loosens mucous that has built up in the body.

Agnikumar Ras’s uses

  • Indigestion
  • indigestion-related vomiting, nausea, and dyspepsia
  • Gastric illness, cholera
  • Painful Colic
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • the inability to eat
  • body filled with a lot of phlegm or kapha

Agnikumar Ras’s safety precautions

  • Only those who are strictly under a doctor’s care should take this medication.
  • Using this medication on oneself could be hazardous.
  • Both pregnant women and children should avoid it.
  • Choose a reputable manufacturer when buying this medication.
  • Tremors, vertigo, and other adverse reactions from overdosage are possible.
  • Ensure that you only use this medication as directed and for the recommended duration.
  • Due to the presence of heavy metals in this medication, people with CKD, diabetes, and high blood pressure should use caution when taking it.
Remedy TypeAyurvedic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorRas
Price₹ 92

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