Ban Labs Acidinol Syrup (200 ml) : Acidity Control With A Herbal Composition



Modern sedentary lifestyle, work pressure, stress, and poor or irregular dietary habits can all contribute to exaggerated symptoms and discomfort, which can cause sleeplessness, abdominal heaviness, and it can also affect daily routine and responsibilities and cause concern by influencing the restlessness like in a cardiac condition. Hyperacidity can lead to many complications like heartburn, gastric or peptic ulcers if not checked in time.


An eminent physician’s clinical study at Govt. Doon Hospital Dehradun has confirmed the efficacy of Acidinol Syrup, which is fortified with best quality selected herbs found effective in both short term and long term therapy. Acidinol Syrup is a natural ingredients formulation containing 16 herb mineral ingredients as per recommendations in Ayurvedic text books. 78% of patients experience relief from hyperacidity and heartburn within 15 minutes of intake.


  • 5-8 ml, three to four times daily, or as prescribed by a doctor


  • 200 ml bottles in a pack
BrandBan Labs
Remedy TypeAyurvedic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorSyrup
Price₹ 80

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