Homeopathy Medicine for Carcinoma Of Stomach


It may be a case of CARCOINOMA OF THE STOMACH if the patient, who is in his middle or later years, is anemic and reports having lost weight, lost energy, and lost appetite for a considerable amount of time.

The diagnosis of stomach cancer should be taken into consideration in all patients who have developed insidious dyspepsia or anorexia in their middle or later years of life. This is because there is evidence of spread, cachexia, or a palpable mass.

Chemicals added to food for preservation, coloring, etc. have been linked to stomach cancer, according to observations.


Stomach cancer symptoms and signs can include:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Feeling bloated after eating
  • after consuming a small amount of food, you feel full
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Vomiting


Though numerous factors have been linked to an increased risk, the exact cause of stomach cancer is unknown.

The DNA of a cell contains the instructions that tell it what to do. Changes in a cell’s DNA tell it to grow quickly and to live when healthy cells would die. The accumulating cells form a tumor that can invade and destroy healthy tissue. Eventually, cells can break off and spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body.

Risk factors

Stomach cancer risk factors include the following:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Obesity
  • consuming a lot of fatty, salty foods
  • a low-vegetable and fruit intake
  • abdomen cancer running in the family
  • Infection with Helicobacter pylori
  • Long-term stomach inflammation (gastritis)
  • Smoking
  • Stomach polyps

Homoeopathic Treatment

Despite the fact that patients visit the doctor well after the disease has taken hold, medical treatment can begin while the investigatory phase is still in progress, buying valuable time.

Bismuthumhas its main effects on the stomach and alimentary canal, causing vomiting, purging, and prostration as well as burning, cramping, and screwing. It is also indicated in vomiting after abdominal surgery. Nausea after meals is relieved by drinking cold beverages, but as soon as it returns to the stomach, there is violent belching with a putrid smell followed by vomiting with conclusive gagging and pain.

Cadmium sulphuricumIt is used as an antidote for the severe side effects of cancer therapy, especially chemotherapy and radiation treatment that causes weakness, emaciation, nausea, and vomiting. Its primary effects are on the stomach and respiration. Vomiting and extreme prostration are key expressions. Black vomit is characteristic. Food tastes salty, which stimulates vomiting.

OrnithogalumCooper advises one drop of mother tincture therapy until the effects wean off in cases of chronic gastritis, other abdominal indurations, such as cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulceration with hemorrhage, pain that worsens when food passes through the pyloric outlet, vomiting colored material like coffee grounds, and loss of appetite.

OrnithogalumCooper advises taking one drop of mother tincture until the effects fade away in cases of chronic gastritis, other abdominal indurations, such as intestinal cancer.

Lycopodium clavatumhas a severe digestive weakness with a lot of bloating. Little food causes a lot of fullness. The patient vomits food and bile. There is a churning sensation and a sharp pain; hot water is preferable. This is useful in long-term chronic diseases like cancer that cause emaciation and malnutrition.

Phosphorusis recommended when there is a feeling of being completely empty throughout the entire abdomen. There may also be a sore spot in the pit of the stomach, which the patient can rub to relieve the pain.

The standard procedure is subtotal gastrectomy with removal of lymph nodes, including those at the hilum of the spleen, lesser omentum, and gastrocolic omentum. It is observed that 60% of the patients admitted to the hospitals are beyond help by operative measures, as the tumor has locally spread to lymph nodes or the liver.

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