Homeopathy Medicine for Cervicitis


The cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus that opens into the vagina, becomes inflamed when it develops cervicitis.

The condition is referred to as CERVICITIS when a female complains of persistent vaginal discharge of a white, egg-like substance that is accompanied by backache, pelvic, and lower abdominal pain.


If one does experience signs and symptoms of cervicitis, they may include:

  • excessive vaginal discharge that is unusual
  • Frequent, painful urination
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods
  • bleeding after sexual activity that is not related to a menstrual cycle


Cervicitis may have various causes, including:

  • Sexually transmitted infections.Cervicitis can result from widespread sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes, but it is most frequently spread by sexual contact.
  • Allergic reactions.Cervicitis can be brought on by an allergic reaction to feminine hygiene products like douches or feminine deodorants, as well as an allergy to spermicides used as contraceptives or the latex in condoms.
  • Bacterial overgrowth.Cervicitis can result from bacterial vaginosis, an overgrowth of some of the bacteria that are typically found in the vagina.


  • Engage in sexual activity that carries a high level of risk, such as unprotected sex, multiple partner sex, or sex with someone who also carries a high level of risk.
  • young age, first engaged in sexual activity
  • have a sexually transmitted infection history


When the cervix is infected, there is a higher chance that the infection will spread into the uterus because the cervix serves as a barrier to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the uterus.

If left untreated, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the female reproductive organs, can lead to fertility issues. PID is a cervicitis brought on by gonorrhea or chlamydia that can spread to the uterine lining and the fallopian tubes.

The likelihood that a woman will contract HIV from a sexual partner increases if she has cervicitis.


Condoms are extremely effective against the spread of STIs, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, which can lead to cervicitis. Using condoms consistently and correctly each time while having sex can reduce the risk of cervicitis from STIs. Being in a long-term relationship where both the partner are uninfected and committed to having sex with each other only can lower their odds of an STI.


NITRIC ACID :-Useful for brown, flesh-colored, watery or stringy leucorrhoea that stains yellow or leaves spots with a black border; for cervicitis when there are stitches through the vagina; for voluptuous itching in the vagina after sex; for bloody water from the vagina; for hemorrhage from overexertion; and for uterine hemorrhage after childbirth or curettage.

ALUMINA :-Given when the vagina is extremely sensitive and becomes narrow due to swelling, there is itching and aphthous patches in the vagina, and there is induration of the cervix. there is scanty, watery menstruation. helpful when the left ovary is affected.

KALI BICHROME :Useful for menses with suppression of urine or passage of red urine.There is yellow, acrid, ropy leucorrhoes with pain across the sacrum and heaviness in the hypogastrium.Also helpful for prolapsed of uterus during hot weather.Recommended for fat, fair, flabby, fleshy persons, subject to catarrhs with a syphilitic or scrofulous history.

USTILAGO MAYDISUseful for uterine fibroids, bleeding with uterine hypertrophy, spongy cervix which bleeds easily, menses that are half liquid and half clotted, bright red and worse on slightest provocation, and foul yellow or brown leucorrhoea. Recommended for tall and thin women typically at menopause.


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