BOTANICAL NAME :Benth. ex. Kurz: Rauwolfia serpentina

FAMILY :Apocynaceae

COMMON NAMES :Sanskrit “sarpagandha” is also known as “sarpagandhi” in Malayalam, Bengali “sarpagandha,” English “sepentina,” Hindi “chhotachand,” and Tamil “chivanmelpodi.”

DESCRIPTION :Shrub with glabrous underside. Leaves in whorls of 3 or 4 rarely opposite, shining green above, pale beneath, elliptic-lanceolate or obovate acute or acuminate. Inflorescence many flowered cymes.

Almost all year long, but primarily in February, are flowers and fruits.

DISTRIBUTION :From Punjab eastward to Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and Assam, as well as in some areas of Central India and the Western Ghats, this plant grows in waste places and in shaded forests.



HYPERTENSIONIt is a fantastic treatment for high blood pressure, palpitations, and irregular heartbeat when lying down that improve with standing and moving around. High blood pressure without obvious atheromatous changes in the blood vessels.

INSOMNIAA useful sedative, particularly for insanity, insomnia after midnight, insomnia that takes a long time to fall asleep and keeps you awake for hours.

ARTHRITIS & GOUTAll of the limbs were stiff and painful, and there was gout and chronic rheumatism as well as painful flat feet in adolescents. The left hip and big toes were also painful and swollen.

PARKINSON’S DISEASE: Dystonia. Tremor.

POTENCY: Mother tincture.

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