Homeopathy Medicine for Coccydynia


Coccydynia, or pain in or around the coccyx, can result from vaginal childbirth, degenerative joint changes, prolonged sitting on a hard or narrow surface, trauma to the coccyx during a fall, or prolonged sitting on any hard or narrow surface.

Defecation, sex, prolonged standing, sitting, rising from a seated position to a standing position, and menstruation can all be painful when you have tailbone pain. Tailbone pain can feel dull and achy but typically becomes sharp during certain activities.

Within a few weeks or months, tailbone pain, also known as coccydynia or coccygodynia, typically goes away on its own. To manage tailbone pain in the interim, it may be helpful to:

  • While seated, slant your back.
  • Place a wedge-shaped or doughnut-shaped cushion under your knees.
  • Treat the afflicted area with heat or ice.

Consult a physician if tailbone pain (chronic coccydynia) doesn’t go away. The physician may perform a rectal examination to rule out any other conditions and may suggest magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine whether you have a fracture, degenerative changes, or, in rare instances, a tumor.

Causes of Coccydynia

A coccydynia may result from the following factors:

  • the coccyx being hurt or falling,
  • During childbirth,
  • Strain on the coccyx,
  • Poor posture,
  • Being overweight or underweight,
  • There may also be signs of wear and tear from aging.
  • Bone development on the coccyx, an excessively flexible or rigid coccyx, and
  • Arthritis.

Other conditions that resemble coccydynia include sciatica, sacroiliitis, broken bones (including the tailbone), and tailbone fractures.


Pain and tenderness in the region directly above the buttocks are the main symptoms.

The pain may:

  • to frequently be achy and dull, with sporadic sharp pains.
  • be worse when seated, getting up from a chair, standing for an extended period of time, engaging in sexual activity, and going to the bathroom.
  • make it very challenging to sleep and perform daily tasks like driving or bending over.

Additionally, some people experience hip and buttock pain, back pain, and shooting leg pain (sciatica).



Very helpful for coccydynia when a fall has caused an injury to the coccyx; the patient experiences violent pain and is unable to sit comfortably (apart from on an air cushion).

Rhus Tox

Useful for patients who are quite restless and frequently change positions, the patient experiences stiffness and soreness as soon as he attempts to move, but this pain in the coccyx that is aggravated after overexertion improves with continuous motion or by warm applications.

Ruta Graveleons

Very helpful if patient experiences constipation following a mechanical injury. Useful for coccydynia, which is a condition in which there is bruised pain in the coccyx as a result of a blow or fall with a feeling of soreness.


It is very helpful for coccyx neuralgia, which is worse from rising in a sitting posture, and the patient must sit still. It is also helpful for continuous pain that prevents motion as well as a sharp, agonizing pain when rising from a seat.


Useful for coccyx stiffness. There is discomfort and stiffness in the small of the back and coccyx (especially in the evenings), and there is pain and sensitivity there when you sit.

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