Homeopathy Medicine for Corneal Ulcer


Patient complains of localized redness with photophobia, blapharospasm, profuse watering if the eye and cloudiness of the cornea. It is a case of CORNEAL ULCER.

Abrasions, burns, foreign bodies, or growing eyelashes are the most common local traumas that cause ulcers to develop.

Management and Treatment:

Bathe the eye with an aqueous calendula officinalis mother tincture solution at least every two hours, and take care of the patient’s general well-being while attempting to eliminate the cause as much as you can.

Argentum nitricumis indicated when a person has photophobia, painful, purulent ophthalmia, abundant, purulent discharge from corneal ulcers, and swollen, red inner canthi.

Calcarea carbonicaThe typical calcarea carbonica constitution is present, along with spots and ulcers on the cornea, lachrymation in the morning and outdoors, and dim vision that feels like it is being seen through mist.

Pulsatilla nigricansis used to treat corneal spots and superficial ulcers. Patients who experience these symptoms also often experience weeping eyes, profuse lachrymation, and mucous secretion. Their eyes also burn and itch and require rubbing.

Hepar sulphurissuits corneal ulcers with red, inflamed eyes and lids, a sharp, dull pain in the eyes that feels like it is being pulled back into the orbits, extremely sore eyeballs to the touch, and photophobia.

Mercurius corrosivushas severe photophobia, acrid lachrymation, deep ulcers on the cornea, muddy-colored iris, shooting, burning, tearing pain in the eyes, especially at night, and burning, soreness in the eyes.

Silicea terrais recommended in cases of corneal ulcers that are perforating or sloughing, abscesses, post-trauma inflammation, tenderness to touch in the eyes, and canthi, which are particularly affected.

Euphrasia officinalisopacities develop after injury, rheumatic pains and ptosis, small blisters on the eyes, sticky mucus on the cornea, photophobia, and sharp pain in the eyeballs. has persistent watering of the eyes, acrid lachrymation, bland coryza, profuse, hot tears, and a frequent tendency to blink the eyes.

Apis mellificahas puffy eyelids, which indicate an allergic trait. The eyelids are swollen, red, and oredematous. The cornea is opaque. There are perforating corneal ulcers and pains around the orbit. There are burning, stinging, and shooting pains.

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