Homeopathy Medicine for Dry Eyes


Tears can be insufficient for a number of reasons, such as when we don’t produce enough of them or when they are of poor quality, which can lead to dry eyes, which is a common condition that affects our eyes.

They may experience dry eyes in specific situations, such as on an airplane, in an air-conditioned room, while riding a bike, or after staring at a computer screen for a while. People with dry eyes may feel uncomfortable, and their eyes may sting or burn.

In order to control the symptoms of dry eyes, they will likely need to continue with these actions indefinitely. Treatments for dry eyes can include lifestyle adjustments and eyedrops.


Tears, which are a complex mixture of water, fatty oils, and mucus, help keep the surface of our eyes clear and smooth and shield them from infection. Insufficient tear production is the primary cause of dry eyes.


Typically affecting both eyes, the following signs and symptoms could also exist:

  • An itch, sting, or burning sensation in our eyes
  • around or in our eyes, stringy mucus
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye redness
  • having the impression that our eyes are being obstructed
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Difficulty with nighttime driving
  • The body’s reaction to dry eyes’ irritability is watery eyes.
  • vision haze or tired eyes

Decreased tear production

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (ker-uh-toe-kun-junk-tih-VY-tis SIK-uh), the medical term for this condition, is a condition where we don’t produce enough tears, which can lead to dry eyes.

  • Aging
  • Several medical conditions, such as vitamin A deficiency and thyroid disorders, diabetes, lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Several drugs, including those for Parkinson’s disease, high blood pressure, acne, congestive heart failure, hormone replacement therapy, and depression
  • Despite the fact that temporary dry eye symptoms are usually associated with laser eye surgery
  • radiation or inflammatory damage to the tear glands

Increased tear evaporation

The following are typical reasons for more tears evaporating:

  • smoke, wind, or dry air
  • Less frequent blinking, which usually happens when we’re focused, like when we’re reading, driving, or using a computer
  • Eyelid issues like entropion (lids turning inward) and ectropion (lids turning outward)

Imbalance in tear composition

There are three basic components of the tear film: oil, water, and mucus. Issues with any of these components, such as clogged meibomian glands, which produce the oil film on the edge of our eyelids and are more common in people with blepharitis, rosacea, or other skin conditions, can lead to dry eyes.


1. Aconite

Useful medication for dry eyes with noticeable redness, very helpful to reduce the redness of eyes, very helpful when pain in eyes gets worse with eye movement, and very useful when thirst for water increases significantly as a side effect.

2. Belladonna

Useful for dry eyes that are painful. Along with pain in the eyes, there may appear redness, heat, and itching in the eyes. Aversion to light also seems to be present along with these symptoms. There is throbbing or shooting pain in the eyes. There is heaviness in the eyes with pain.

3. Sulphur

Useful for dry eye when the dryness of the eyes gets a little better in the open air while being in a room worsens the dryness; there is a burning, tickling, gritty, smarting sensation in the eyes; there is blurring of vision while reading; and there is an acute aversion to light, especially sunlight.

4. Arsenic Album

Useful for eye pain, aching or shooting pain, dry eyes that get worse in artificial light, marked dryness of the eyes, sensitivity to light, and burning in the eyes, as well as for eyes that swell, redden, and heat up more in that type of lighting.

5. Natrum Mur

Useful for treating dry eyes that get worse while reading, for sand-like eye sensations, for blurred or dim vision, and for eye and head pain that worsens while reading.

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