Homeopathy Medicine for Dyspareunia


Many women experience painful sex at some point in their lives, and dyspareunia can be caused by anything from structural issues to psychological issues.

Dyspareunia (dis-puh-ROO-nee-uh), the medical term for painful intercourse, is defined as persistent or recurrent genital pain that happens just before, during, or after intercourse. Treatments target the cause and can help eliminate or lessen this common issue.


If your sexual encounters are painful, you might experience:

  • Only the penetration (sexual entry) causes pain.
  • Every penetration hurts, even inserting a tampon.
  • Deep pain during thrusting
  • Pain that burns or hurts
  • Pain that throbbed for hours following sexual activity


There are many different types of painful intercourse, and different physical factors may be involved depending on whether the pain is felt at entry or during deep thrusting.

Entry pain

Numerous factors, such as the following, may contribute to pain during penetration:

  • Not enough lubrication.A decrease in estrogen levels following menopause, childbirth, or while breastfeeding can also be a contributing factor, though it is frequently the result of insufficient foreplay.

    Antidepressants, high blood pressure drugs, sedatives, antihistamines, and some birth control pills are among the drugs with a reputation for affecting sexual desire or arousal, which can reduce lubrication and make sex painful.

  • Injury, trauma or irritation.This includes a cut made during childbirth to widen the birth canal (episiotomy), pelvic surgery, female circumcision, or injury or irritation from an accident.

    • Inflammation, infection or skin disorder.Eczema or other skin conditions in the genital area can also be the issue, as can an infection in the genital area or urinary tract.

      • Vaginismus.It may hurt to penetrate due to these uncontrollable contractions of the vaginal wall’s muscles.
      • Congenital abnormality.Dyspareunia could be brought on by a condition that existed at birth, such as imperforate hymen or the development of a membrane that blocks the vaginal opening (vaginal agenesis).

      Deep pain

      Deep penetration frequently results in deep pain, which may be made worse by certain positions.

      • Certain illness and conditions.Adenomyosis, hemorrhoids, ovarian cysts, uterine prolapse, retroverted uterus, uterine fibroids, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction, and pelvic inflammatory disease are among the conditions on the list.
      • Surgeries or medical treatments.Medical treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation, can result in changes that make sex painful, including scarring from pelvic surgery, including hysterectomy.

      Emotional factors

      Emotional factors may contribute to sexual pain because they are intricately linked to sexual behavior.

      • Psychological issues.Low levels of arousal can result in discomfort or pain due to anxiety, depression, worries about appearance, fear of intimacy, and relationship issues.
      • Stress. The muscles in the pelvic floor have a tendency to contract in response to life’s stresses, which can make sexual activity painful.
      • History of sexual abuse.Having experienced sexual abuse can have an impact even if one does not have dyspareunia.

      Initial pain can cause fear of reoccurring pain, making it difficult to relax, which can cause more pain. One might stop engaging in sexual activity if they start to associate it with the pain. It can be challenging to determine whether emotional factors are related to dyspareunia.


1. Platina

Useful for pains of a drawing nature that may appear in the ovaries and uterus after intercourse and tend to last for several hours overall. Very useful for painful coition from a sensitive vagina that you cannot bear to touch. Useful when there is faintness during coition. In many cases, vaginismus may be present that makes intercourse impossible.

2. Argentum Nitricum

Useful for dyspareunia when painful intercourse is followed by vaginal bleeding. Females needing this medication may complain of profuse, yellow, corroding vaginal discharge with cervical erosions. There may also be bloodstained vaginal discharge. There may be many phobias and anxieties in females.

3. Staphisagria

When there is a history of sexual abuse, it can be helpful for painful genital sex, for burning pain during urination, for a constant urge to urinate, for painful coition during urination, and for painful genital sex. It is especially helpful in the early stages of marriage.

4. Kreosote

Useful for dyspareunia when there is soreness in the genitalia, fear, and trembling arise at the mere thought of coition, and bleeding the next day. Useful when there are highly offensive vaginal discharges that are acrid, causing violent itching in the vagina with soreness and burning after scratching.

5. Ignatia

Very helpful for dyspareunia when there is sadness, weeping, excessive irritability, desire for loneliness, aversion to talking, and sudden mood swings; excessive worries, depression; and history of grief may be present. The vagina may feel heated.

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