Homeopathy Medicine for Fatty Liver


Fatty liverhas a large accumulation of triglycerides (fats) within the liver cells, which causes the small hepatocytes to swell excessively and, on occasion, the entire liver to become enlarge enough for one to feel it.

Steatosis, which is simply defined as an accumulation of fat vacuoles within the liver cells (hepatocytes), can be a sign of more serious conditions.

Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and alcohol-related fatty liver (AFL) are separate diseases, and obesity combined with other non-alcoholic conditions results in non-alcoholic liver disease (NALD), which is one of the main causes of fatty liver in the world.

Alcohol and other conditions that cause significant biochemical changes in our bodies can both cause steatotic hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver tissues brought on by these fat cells. When this condition is brought on by factors other than alcohol, it is referred to as Non-Alcoholic Steatotic Hepatitis, or more commonly as NASH.

If left untreated, cirrhosis, a serious condition that causes liver scarring and fibrosis as a result of fatty liver inflammation, can have life-threatening consequences.

be regulated by suitable medication

Causes of Fatty Liver

The cause of fatty liver is unknown, and neither a fatty diet nor excessive eating alone causes one. Rather, the liver loses its ability to excrete fats that have been deposited inside of it.

On the other hand, obesity is found in 70% of NASH patients.

Some common causes

  • Metabolic syndromes

    In addition to alcohol, a variety of illnesses impair the body’s ability to process nutrients.

  • Diabetes

  • High blood pressures (hypertension)

  • High blood cholesterols

  • Pregnancy

  • Glycogen storage disease

  • birth defects such as Wolman’s disease

  • Congenital conditions like Copper-related Wilson’s disease

  • Absorption of nutrients is affected by Weber-Christian disease.

  • A condition known as galactosemia affects how the body processes milk.

  • such as malaria and TB infections.

  • Nutritional causes

    • Severe malnutrition
    • Obesity
    • Sudden rapid weight loss
    • procedures used to treat obesity, such as jejunoileal bypass surgery and gastric bypass.
  • Drugs

    • Corticosteroids
    • Patients who have epilepsy use valproic acids.
    • the drugs amiodarone and diltiazem, which are used to treat heart conditions like high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.
    • Sedatives
    • Breast cancer is treated with tamoxifen.
    • Methotrexate
    • Anti-retroviral drugs (indinavir)
    • an excessive vitamin A intake.
  • Amiodarone and methotrexate have the potential to result in cirrhosis in rare circumstances.

  • Other

    • toxins from foodstuffs like
    • stale peanuts – the toxin aflatoxins is very strong.
    • mushroom poisonings
    • phosphorus from the environment

Risk factors

  • are obese
  • are an alcoholic
  • are taking long-term medication for high blood pressure or have high blood pressure that fluctuates frequently.
  • There is a lot of blood cholesterol.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver

Although mild fatty liver is typically asymptomatic and is only discovered by chance during routine tests, some people may experience occasionally sporadic symptoms.

  • Malaise, or extreme unease that compels rest,
  • even after light exertion, fatigue
  • abdomen feeling heavier and more fuller in the upper right corner.
  • On occasion, pressure may cause pain in the liver.

However, if left untreated, cirrhosis, a potentially fatal condition, can develop from fatty liver and eventually lead to the symptoms of liver failure.

  • Jaundice, a yellowish skin discoloration, and dark urine
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Reddish discolorations that range from mild to moderate and blanch under pressure are known as spider naevi.
  • abdominal distension (caused by ascites, an accumulation of abdominal fluid)
  • Small injuries cause easy bleeding.
  • Lack of adequate blood clotting
  • finger tremors that range from mild to moderate
  • Asterixis, which causes hand tremors that flap around,
  • The body started to itch in the hands and legs before eventually spreading throughout.
  • Leg and abdominal veins appear engorged and swollen.
  • Giddiness.
  • This is an emergency (encephalopathy) if you have poor memory, concentration, dull thoughts, or mental confusion!
  • Depression


Typically, a disorder is diagnosed incidentally through one of the following tests:-

  • Ultrasound (Ultrasonography):When carried out by trained professionals, this painless, non-invasive test can reliably detect fatty liver, measure the size of the liver, and grade the improvement.
  • Liver Function Tests:It is possible to identify the cause of fatty liver and gain a deeper understanding of it by measuring abnormal liver enzyme levels in the blood.
  • Computed Tomography Scan (CT scan):non-invasive. X-rays are used to take precise, detailed measurements of the internal organs.
  • MRI:also non-invasive; scans the internal organ structures using radio waves in a magnetic field.


  • Say No To Alcohol

    If you’ve already begun drinking, try to limit yourself to two pegs per week if you’re already consuming alcohol.

  • Quit Smoking

    You are more susceptible to liver damage as a result of smoking’s numerous biochemical and hemodynamic changes.

  • Control Weight Gain

    Obesity is discovered to be present in 70% of NASH patients.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Natural sources such as walnuts, fish oils (cod, salmon), and flaxseed oils have been found to hold promise for preventing fatty liver.

Homoeopathic Treatment of Fatty Liver

Conventional treatment

If the underlying cause is addressed early enough in the course of the disease, treating the fatty liver can be easily reversed.

Some common measures that improve fatty liver are:

  • Exercise and weight loss programsAerobic exercises are best suited to burn off fat, and obese patients typically have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher. However, one should keep in mind that for long-term success, it is not the intensity of the workout, but the sustenance that matters. A realistic weight loss program should try to reduce the BMI by two units of the existing one.
  • Control cholesterol levels.In addition to consistent exercise, a healthy diet that avoids saturated fats and the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs in conjunction with exercise can both help to reverse fatty liver.
  • Control DiabetesA fatty liver can’t progress further into something serious like cirrhosis or liver failure if it is effectively managed with insulin, dietary adjustments, and medication.
  • Avoid harmful substances.When you are diagnosed with fatty liver, it is best to avoid using certain substances like alcohol, junk food, and others. If you are taking any medications that have been known to aggravate fatty liver, talk to your doctor; he may be able to recommend better alternatives.


  1. Lycopodium:A patient with a fatty liver may experience intense cravings for sweets and hot beverages, as well as acidity, bloating, and belching with a burning sensation.
  2. Phosphorus is used to treat fatty acid cases that cause regurgitation and sour belching as well as liver pain, excessive flatulence, and a risk of vomiting as well as weakness when urinating.
  3. Calcarea carb:These patients are frequently lactose intolerant, have chronic constipation, are overly sensitive to cold air, and sweat profusely from the head. Obese patients with this condition can be treated with calcarea carb.

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