Healwell Shanti Pills (15g) : Helps in Sleeplessness, Restlessness and Mental Overexertion


Also known as

Pills Shaant

Healwell Shanti Pills

calms excessive elation, brings tranquility, and encourages regular sleep

Indications of Healwell Shanti Pills

  • anxiety, worry, and stress-related insomnia.
  • Loss of strength, mental fatigue, and a headache
  • sleep problems, particularly as a result of exam stress and nervous agitation.

Action of Ingredients in Healwell Shanti Pills

Cypripedium pubescens: a constant influx of pleasant thoughts, along with body trembling, twitching limbs, and an inability to fall asleep

Magnesium carbonica: Frequent, violent yawning, insomnia brought on by flatulence, unrefreshing sleep at night, and morning fatigue that is just as bad as it was before bed.

Zincum valerianum: Leg trembling and twitching during the night, as well as nightmares.

Kali phosphoricum: Extreme lethargy and depression, prostration, exhaustion, a lack of stamina, retarded nutrition (slow/inadequate nutrition), which affects children and causes dullness and weakness.

Dosage of Healwell Shanti Pills

1–2 tablets, three–four times per day.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorPill
Price₹ 80

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