Homeopathy Medicine for Hematuria


The term “microscopic” hematuria refers to the type of hematuria that can only be seen under a microscope and describes the presence of blood in our urine on occasion but which is difficult to detect.


  • Gross hematuria:Gross hematuria is the medical term for the condition where frank blood can be seen in the urine with the naked eye.
  • Microscopic hematuria:Red blood cells (RBCs) are present in the urine in this type of hematuria, but they can only be seen under a microscope; the urine’s color does not change and the patient cannot visually detect blood.


Blood cells can leak into urine through the kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract in hematuria for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Urinary tract infections-A persistent need to urinate, pain and burning when urinating, and extremely pungent urine are all signs of these conditions, which develop when bacteria enter the body through the urethra and multiply in the bladder.

    Microscopically small amounts of blood in the urine may be the only indication of illness in some people, particularly older adults.

  • Kidney infections(pyelonephritis)-The signs and symptoms of kidney infections are frequently similar to those of bladder infections, but kidney infections are more likely to result in a fever and flank pain. These can happen when bacteria enter our kidneys from the bloodstream or move from our ureters to kidney.

  • A bladder or kidney stone.On the walls of our kidneys or bladder, concentrated urine’s minerals can occasionally form crystals, which can eventually harden into small stones.

    Bladder or kidney stones can also cause both gross and microscopic bleeding, and they can also cause excruciating pain. Because the stones are typically painless, we probably won’t know we have them until they cause a blockage or are being passed. Kidney stones, in particular, can cause excruciating pain.

  • Enlarged prostate.Signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH), which can also be caused by prostate infection (prostatitis), include difficulty urinating, an urgent or persistent need to urinate, and either visible or microscopic blood in the urine. As men approach middle age, the prostate gland, which is just below the bladder and surrounding the top part of the urethra, tends to enlarge. This compresses the urethra

  • Kidney disease.glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the kidney’s filtering system, can be brought on by viral or strep infections, blood vessel diseases (vasculitis), and immune issues like IgA nephropathy, which affects the kidney’s tiny capillaries that filter blood (glomeruli), causing microscopic urinary bleeding to occur as a common symptom.

  • Cancer-Unfortunately, one may not show symptoms or show signs of kidney, bladder, or prostate cancer in the early stages, when these cancers are more treatable. Visible urinary bleeding may be a sign of advanced kidney, bladder, or prostate cancer.

  • Inherited disorders.Both Alport syndrome, which affects the filtering membranes in the glomeruli of the kidneys, and sickle cell anemia, a hereditary defect of hemoglobin in red blood cells, can result in both microscopic and visible hematuria (blood in the urine).

  • Kidney injury.Blood can be seen in the urine as a result of a blow to the kidneys or other kidney damage from an accident or contact sports.

  • Medications.Urinary bleeding can be brought on by the anti-cancer medications penicillin and cyclophosphamide.

  • Strenuous exercise.Gross hematuria is a rare complication of strenuous exercise, and its etiology is unknown; however, it may be related to bladder injury, dehydration, or the oxidative stress brought on by prolonged aerobic exercise, which leads to the breakdown of red blood cells.

    The majority of sufferers are runners, but anyone can experience visible urinary bleeding following a strenuous workout.


Red blood cells in the urine can occur in almost anyone, including kids and teenagers, and are more likely due to the following reasons:

  • Age-Due to an enlarged prostate gland, hematuria occurs occasionally in many men over the age of 50.

  • A recent infection-One of the main reasons why children have visible blood in their urine is post-infectious glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys following a viral or bacterial infection.

  • Family history-OneIf they have a history of kidney disease or kidney stones in their family, they may be more prone to urinary bleeding.

  • Certain medications-Urinary bleeding is known to be made more likely by aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and antibiotics like penicillin.

  • Long-distance runners, for whom the condition is sometimes known as jogger’s hematuria, are particularly susceptible to exercise-induced urinary bleeding, but anyone who engages in strenuous exercise is at risk of experiencing symptoms.

  • Smoking

  • Gender

  • Chemicals like benzene or aromatic amines that are exposed at work

  • prolonged use of a catheter in the urinary system


BERBERIS VULGARIS :Effective medication for both renal complaints and blood in the urine.Recommended medication for blood in the urine when it is accompanied by left sided kidney stones, as well as when blood is present along with jelly-like sediments or thick mucus in the urine.There is a sharp pain in the left kidney that radiates down the ureter into the bladder and urethra.

LYCOPODIUM :Effective medication for hematuria with renal calculus. Given when right-sided kidney pain occurs in addition to hematuria. Useful for scanty urine that contains red sand and passes with a burning sensation. Frequent urination at night. Given when blood in urine occurs in conjunction with renal calculus.

CANTHERIS :Highly effective treatments for hematuria, which is characterized by a burning sensation while urinating as well as bloody urine that is present prior to, during, and even after passing urine. There is a persistent urge to urinate but urine only flows out drop by drop.

APIS MEL :Useful medication for blood in urine in cases where there is stinging and burning pain in the urethra. It is advised for scanty, scalding, and bloody urine. It is impossible to hold urine in even for a brief period of time when the urge arises.

NITRIC ACID :Useful medication for blood in urine that is strongly flavored and extremely repulsive. Albumin may pass through the urine when there is blood present, and there is dark, bloody, scanty, and foul urine.

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