A number of indoor and outdoor allergens, including pollen from trees and plants, dust mites or tiny flecks, and saliva shed by cats, dogs, and other animals with fur or feathers, cause hay fever. When breathe allergens enter the body through the nose or mouth, body reacts against it by releasing a chemical called histamine.

Hay fever is a non-contagious condition that causes sneezing, nasal congestion, and irritation of the mouth, nose, throat, and eyes.


When it comes to treating allergic rhinitis, homoeopathy has a number of potent medications available, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account their mental and physical health. Homoeopathy is a growing system that is currently used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it adopts a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.


A lump at the root of the nose, arid, watery discharge dropping from the tip, burning like fire, excoriating the lips and wings of the nose, and profuse, bland lachrymation are all symptoms of hay fever, which occurs every August.


Sneezing, coryza, rawness in the nostrils, loss of smell, thin, copious, bloody, and ichorous nasal discharge, itching and unease near the nose, congestion in the nose, suppression of secretion, thick scabs covering the nose and upper lip, suffused and congested eyes, general torpor, and prostration.


Hay fever symptoms include watery coryza, sneezing, watery discharge, lachrymation and intolerable eyelid itching, nosebleeds, a stuffy head, irritation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, asthmatic attacks, wheezy coughing, and smarting, burning, and itchy eyes.


Fluent coryza, violent, constant sneezing, swollen nasal mucous membranes, itching, burning, stoppage of the nose despite watery, profuse discharge, dull sinus pain, puffiness of the eyelids, red, edematous conjunctiva with lachrymation, red spots in the eyes, and itching and burning in the eyes and ears.


Chronic nasal catarrh with a propensity for acute stuffiness, dull, sluggish memory, dull headache, long-lasting sneezing, children’s snuffles, easy susceptibility to colds, easily congested and blocked nostrils, and dull headaches are some symptoms.


Extreme thirst, frequent small amounts of excoriating nasal discharge, anxiety, and extreme restlessness are all symptoms of allergic rhinitis, which is worse in open air.


Hay fever symptoms include swollen nose, a constant desire to sneeze, thin, watery, excoriating discharge from the anterior and posterior sinuses, drops of hot, green, acrid water that redden the upper lip, irritation and tingling of the nose, coryza with dyspnea, acrid coryza with burning eyes, and coryza with dyspnea. Arsenic iodide is best for people with pale


Frequent sneezing, worse during inspiration and improved by bending forward. Smarting soreness of the posterior nares and alae nasi; awakes with suffocative breathing.


Hay fever, coryza, with loss of smell, sneezing, itching of the nostrils, burning and itching in the auditory canals, and annoying itching in the nostrils, roof of the mouth, and palate are some of the symptoms.


When his nose is blocked, he wakes up in the middle of the night, when he has a headache, when he is sitting or lying on his stomach, when he sneezes in cold air, and when he is out in the open.


Loss of smell, frequent sneezing, flu-like coryza, disturbed digestion, and a salty aftertaste are just a few of the symptoms.


Hay fever, allergic vaso-motor affections of the nose, edema of the eyelids, hypersecretion from the nasal and ocular mucous membranes, bronchial asthma, and sensitive skin.


Pruritus in the nose with a sensation that the nose’s skin is contracting, a feeling that the nasal orifices are enlarging, a sensation of painful dryness in the nostrils, difficulty breathing in cold air, nasal obstruction on one or both sides, spasmodic rhinitis, a feeling of heat and prickling at the edge of the eyelids, a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, and red, swollen


When I wake up, I sneeze a lot. I sneeze and feel cold, then warm. I sneeze and have thin coryza. My nose tingles and I feel like I’m about to sneeze. My left side of my nose is running, but my right side is clear.


Nasal catarrh involving the frontal sinus. Ozaena, with perforated septum. Cool, greenish, irritating discharge from the nose. Violent sneezing. Takes cold from every damp day. Coryza, descending, profuse, acrid, hot, watery discharge, worse cool air with salivation and dyspnea.


If administered prior to the onset of the season, this remedy can serve as a preventative measure.


When exposed to even the slightest amount of dust, or when outside, a profuse watery coryza that drops down the back sinuses and excoriates the throat gets worse.


Dryness of the nasal mucus with sticky scab formations. Acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. Head cold with pale or yellow nasal secretion, especially in the morning. Hypertrophy or atrophy of the nasal mucous membranes, worse in a room with dry air, better in fresh air. Frontal or occipital headache.


Sneezing often, as if a coryza were about to start, and in response to even the smallest amount of dust. Throws head back when sneezing. Sensitive to even the smallest breath of air. Air that is comfortable in temperature feels cold. The slightest draught aggravates. Strong odors may cause spasms. The greatest sensitivity to the smell of tobacco.


The patient cannot tolerate either heat nor cold. There is a lot of sneezing and a watery discharge. It is worse in damp or wet weather. The nostrils are raw and ulcerated. There is a coryza with sneezing. The coryza is acrid but too thick to run down the lip.


Coryza, which causes paroxysmal sneezing, tickling in the nose and larynx, intense itching, tingling, and numbness on the end of the nose, which causes constant rubbing, as well as loss of appetite and aversion to meat.


With dry larynx and hay fever, sneezing fits improve breathing by causing a watery discharge from the nose and a wave of vehemence.


Hay fever: irritation of the nose, which the patient rubs to relieve; coryza, a thin, excoriating discharge; much sneezing; attacks of sneezing; severe paroxysms of sneezing; profuse coryza and lachrymation, which irritate the anterior nares and cause redness, heat, swelling, and soreness of the nose; coryza drops from nose; labored, irregular breathing;


Patients with natrum mur have a craving for salt and salty foods, and they are depressed and introverted people. Allergic rhinitis with a lot of sneezing. Extremely dry mucous membranes. Violent flu coryza lasting for 1-3 days, then changing into stoppage of the nose. Loss of smell and taste. Thin, watery discharge that looks like the white of an egg.


In addition to sneezing and throat pain, other symptoms of asthma include a red swelling across the bridge of the nose, pain in the chest and difficulty breathing, numbness in the tongue, and asthma symptoms that are relieved by stools. Asthma symptoms are aggravated by dust and are improved by being outside.


Hay fever symptoms include spasmodic sneezing with running noses, copious amounts of watery nasal discharge, coryza, which is worsened by the smell of flowers and gets worse just thinking about them, as well as severe frontal pain, redness of the eyes, and lachrymation. Hay fever symptoms also include dry, itchy, tickling noses that one rubs or picks at, as well as lachrymation along with sneezing.


Useful in the treatment of acute colds, coryza, sore throats, etc. Coryza, which causes a blocked nose, itching, and sneezing, is also frequently broken up by taking this medication.


Severe colds. Scanty, acrid discharge. Alternating left and right nostril closure. Dry, hot nose with lachrymation, sneezing, and hacking cough. Better lying down.


Coryza with ulcerated nostrils, copious running, worse in the morning, irritated throat, short, dry cough, must take a deep breath, violent sneezing with fluent coryza, sneezing while coughing, child rubs face with fist during cough, coryza with ulcerated nostrils.


Hay fever, constant sneezing, fullness at the base of the nose, atrophic rhinitis, painful dryness of the mucous membranes, a constant need to blow one’s nose but no discharge, coryza that dries up quickly and forms hard-to-remove scabs, burning in the eyes and soreness in the balls, and burning in the eyelids.


Allergy to eggs, butter, animal fats, fish, feathers, or the use of feather pillows. An intercurrent remedy, when well-selected remedies fail.


Increased secretion, frequent sneezing, burning and tingling in the nose, diminished smell, dryness, and obstruction of the nose, smarting in the eyes, and heat and burning sensations in the eyes, along with redness.


Hay fever symptoms include a scratchy throat, dry, burning epiglottis, and itching in the posterior sinuses.

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