As many as two-thirds of post-menopausal women experience hair thinning or bald spots, contrary to popular belief, which holds that hair loss only affects men, it is estimated that more than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss. Hair loss in women frequently has a greater impact than hair loss in men because it is less socially acceptable for them. Hair loss can severely affect a woman’s emotional well-being.

Androgenetic alopecia, also known as female (or male) pattern hair loss, is the main type of hair loss that affects both men and women. In men, hair loss starts above the temples, and the receding hairline eventually forms a distinctive ‘M’ shape. Hair at the top of the head also thins, frequently leading to baldness. In women, androgenetic alopecia starts with gradual thinning at the part line, followed by increasing diffuse hair loss radiating


·Genes:Hair thinning on the crown of the head may be influenced by family genes.

·Aging:Baldness may develop as we age due to hormonal changes.

·Menopause:The loss of estrogen during menopause frequently makes this type of hair loss worse.

·Hair style:Tight ponytails, braids, and crown rows are examples of hairstyles that can cause hair loss by pulling on the roots; if the hair follicles are damaged, the loss may be permanent.

·Dieting:Loss of hair may result from dieting to lose weight.

·Vitamins:Loss of hair may result from vitamin deficiencies.

·Toxic substances:toxic substances, such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and some drugs.

·Physical stress:Temporary hair loss is a symptom of extreme physical stress or shock, which includes situations like major weight loss, surgery, anemia, illness, and having a baby.

·Emotional stress:Psychiatric disorders, loved one’s passing, etc.

·Thyroid:Hair loss may result from thyroid hormone issues.

·Medicines:Medications for gout, blood pressure, and high vitamin A dosages.

·Alopecia areata:Uneven head hair loss is a symptom of the autoimmune skin condition alopecia areata.


Noticing more hair shedding every day, whether it’s on a brush, the floor, in showers, on pillows, or in the sink.

Noticable hair loss or thinned-out patches, such as a wider part on the top of the head.

A scalp with visible skin.

· Having smaller ponytails.

· Seeing hair break off.

Risk factors

Hair loss can affect any woman or girl, but it typically occurs more frequently in:

· Women older than 40

Recently-delivery mothers

Chemotherapy patients and people who have taken other drugs and experienced side effects.

Women whose hair is frequently pulled or damaged by harsh chemicals or hairstyles like tight braids or ponytails.

· Menopausal women.


When it comes to hair loss, homoeopathy has many effective medicines available, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account their mental and physical symptoms. Homoeopathy is a growing system that is practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.


Arnica stimulates hair follicles, improves blood flow to the scalp, and prevents hair loss in both sexes.


Hair is tangled at the tip and sticks together, making it impossible to separate; hair is rough and horny and cannot be combed smoothly.


Scaly, severe dandruff on the scalp, and hair loss when combed, especially during pregnancy and lactation.


Hypothyroidism causes hair loss due to an imbalance in thyroid hormones, excessive sweating on the scalp that soaks the pillow, itching on the scalp, cold spots on the head, chilliness, and cravings for eggs and indigestible objects like dirt, chalk, and pencils. Fatty and obese people are more prone to becoming overworked and exhausted.


A poor diet, a predisposition to bone and glandular diseases, and hair that falls out in bunches when combed.


Anemia-related hair loss, sensitivity to the cold, extreme lassitude of mind and body, agitation, and prostration are all symptoms.


Brittle air, hair loss following chemotherapy, and hair loss following fevers


Premature graying of hair, hair loss, low self-esteem, a fear of the public, a preference for warm foods and drinks, a sweet tooth, and a bloated abdomen are all symptoms of abdominal diseases, postpartum, and hair loss, along with burning, scalding, and itching of the scalp.


After childbirth, hair starts to fall out excessively when combed, and hormonal imbalances can also cause excessive hair loss, severe headaches that are made worse by the heat of the sun, introverted and depressed women, and a craving for salt and salty foods. Hair falls out when touched, mostly on the front of the head. Scalp is extremely sensitive. Face appears shiny as if greasy.


Hair thinning, early greying, hair loss following a fever, indifferent people, and aversion to conversation are all signs of grief and/or mental shock.


The hair appears to be dry at the root, and there are round, hairless patches of scalp that are itchy and covered in a lot of dandruff. Hair is falling out in large bunches in certain places.


Women who are irritable and uninterested. Women who experience hot flushes followed by perspiration. Women who feel as though their uterus is bearing down on them. Hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance. Hair loss during menopause. Hair loss during pregnancy. Hair loss after childbirth. Hair loss after nursing a child. Hair loss after a chronic headache.


Premature baldness and scalp itching prior to menstruation.


Hair loss is caused by thyroid hormone problems, acute exhausting illnesses, or rapid hair loss.


Loss of hair; hair that grows splits after a short time.


Hair thinning and graying are caused by an imbalance in thyroid hormones.


The hair grows quickly and gets darker when this remedy is used, and new hair quickly replaces any that fall out.

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