
The hallmark symptom of diphtheria is a sheet of thick, gray material covering the back of your throat, which can block your airway and make it difficult for you to breathe. Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection that typically affects the mucous membranes of your nose and throat. It typically results in a sore throat, fever, swollen glands, and weakness.

Because of the widespread use of the disease’s vaccine, diphtheria is incredibly uncommon in the United States and other developed nations.

Even with treatment, diphtheria can be fatal; up to 3% of those who contract the disease pass away from it; the mortality rate is higher in children under the age of 15. Although there are medications available to treat diphtheria, advanced stages can cause damage to your heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Diphtheria is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which typically grows on or near the surface of the mucous membranes of the throat.

Airborne droplets.C. diphtheriae can be inhaled by those nearby when an infected person sneezes or coughs, effectively spreading the disease, especially in crowded settings.

Contaminated personal items.Diphtheria can sometimes be contracted by handling used tissues from an infected person, consuming alcohol from an unwashed glass, or coming into similar close contact with other objects that may have been exposed to the person’s secretions containing bacteria.

Contaminated household items.Sometimes, such as when towels or toys are shared, diphtheria can spread.

Additionally, touching an open wound can expose you to the bacteria that causes diphtheria.

Even if they don’t exhibit any symptoms, individuals with diphtheria who haven’t been treated can continue to infect nonimmunized individuals for up to six weeks.

Signs and symptoms of diphtheria may include the following and appear two to five days after an individual contracts the infection:

  • a substantial, drab gray membrane that encircles your tonsils and throat
  • a hoarse voice and a sore throat
  • Neck glands that are swollen or have enlarged lymph nodes
  • breathing that is challenging or brisk
  • Nasal discharge
  • Fever and chills
  • Malaise

People who are infected with the diphtheria-causing bacteria are known as carriers of diphtheria because they can spread the infection without becoming ill themselves, even if they only experience mild illness or no noticeable signs and symptoms at all.


DIPHTHERINUM 200-This remedy should be given three times each day for just one day to begin treatment.

APIS MEL. 30-The symptoms of apis mel include oedema of the throat, stinging pains that may be violent or painless, aggravation from heat, blisters on the tongue’s border, drowsiness and dullness, an enlarged vulva, puffy, glossy, bright red parts, scaty urine, and puffiness around the face.

BROMIUM 30It starts in the bronchi, trachea, or larynx and then ascends upwards with much rattling of mucus during coughing, but there is no choking. There is membranous croup with much rattling of mucus during coughing, but there is no expectoration. The patient experiences chest pain that is running upwards. There is a peculiar symptom, coldness. Bromium is very effective for diphtheria.

CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30Blood coming from every orifice of the body, even sweat is bloody, there is edema of the fauces and tonsils, there is dysphagia, but it is more noticeable when empty swallowing, and there is intense tongue swelling that is fiery red, smooth, and polished. These symptoms are all signs of crotalus hor., which is indicated in malignant diphtheria with a hemorrhagic tendency.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30There is associated croup with violent rattling and gagging, and the discharge is typical tough, stringy, ropy mucus from throat or nose that adheres to part and can be drawn in to long strings. Kali bichromicum is an excellent remedy for diphtheria. Here, the patch is firm, fibrinous, and pearly white in color, develops in pharynx, tonsils, or larynx, and then it descends to larynx

LACHESIS 200Another effective treatment for diphtheria is lachesis. This condition is characterized by an acrid discharge from the nose, a dark red, deep, and bluish-tinged throat, a membrane that is more pronounced on the left side before moving to the right, swelling of the neck glands, drowsiness, and palpitations. The symptoms are made worse by hot beverages.

The membrane is greyish, yellow, and curdy; if ulcers are formed, they show like silver glass; unlike Lachesis, it changes sides starting on one side, frequently the left; the soreness and swelling suddenly shifts to the opposite side only to return in a few hours to the starting point. Paralysis of the throat so that the fluids return by the nose when drinking.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200-InA fan-like motion of the alae nasi is the primary symptom, along with a feeling of contraction in the throat, nothing going down, and food and drink regurgitating through the nose. Lycopodium dyptheritic membrane first affects the right side before moving to the left one. All symptoms are worse from 4 to 8 pm. The child awakens from sleep scared or cross and angry.

MERCURIUS CYANATUS 1000– Merc cyan. Is prescribed in cases of malignant diphtheria with intensely red fauces and great difficulty swallowing. Pseudomembranous deposit extends all over the throat and fauces. Very putrid and gangrenous diphtheria. Patient is excessively weak, unable to even stand. In cases of epidemic, it can be used as an effective remedy. If given before exudation is deposited, it will prevent it from appearing at all

PHYTOLACCA DEC. 30-Throat is dark red in color; uvula is large, dropsical, and nearly translucent; membrane is ash-colored; sensation of a lump in the throat; constant desire to swallow; buring in the throat like a coal of fire or a red-hot iron; dryness; pain that shoots from the throat into the ear with swallowing; and severe pain in the root of the tongue with swallowing.

NAJA TRI. 30- Naja tri. is more indicative when the larynx is also affected. It is indicated when there is an impending paralysis of the heart, the patient is blue, and they are gasping when they awaken from sleep.


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