
Emphysema, one of a number of illnesses collectively known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), slowly destroys the air sacs (alveoli) in your lungs, making you progressively more breathless.

Emphysema is most commonly brought on by smoking.

Emphysema affects the alveoli in your lungs, which are grouped together like bunches of grapes.

Treatment may slow the progression of emphysema, but it cannot reverse the damage. When you exhale, the damaged alveoli do not function properly and old air becomes trapped, leaving no room for new, oxygen-rich air to enter.

Emphysema is primarily brought on by chronic exposure to airborne allergens, such as smoke from tobacco, marijuana, air pollution, and manufacturing fumes.

Occasionally, a condition known as alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency emphysema results from an inherited lack of a protein that safeguards the elastic lung structures.

Symptoms –The main symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath, which usually starts gradually. You may start avoiding activities that make you feel short of breath, so the symptom doesn’t become a problem until it starts obstructing daily activities. Emphysema eventually results in shortness of breath even while you’re at rest. Emphysema can be present for many years without any signs or symptoms.


ANTIMONIUM ARS 30Excessive dyspnea, cough, and mucus secretion that worsens with food or when lying down. Asthma-like condition. – A fantastic treatment for emphysema.

ANTIMONIUM TART 30elderly people who have emphysema will cough and gasp as a result, and there will be a lot of mucus rattling around in their lungs.

ASPIDOSPERMA Q-Want of breath when exerting oneself is a guiding symptom of this lung tonic, which removes temporary obstruction to blood oxidation by stimulating respiratory centers.

BRYONIA ALBA 30Dry barking cough that is worse at night, frequent desire to take a deep breath, expanding lungs, quick, labored breathing with chest pain

CARBO VEG 30-Emphysema as a result of inadequate or failed management of pneumonia and persistent hoarseness

CHININIUM ARS 30– Periodic attacks that resemble an asthma attack.

COCA 30-Emphysema. Hoarseness, loss of voice, and dyspnea. Especially helpful for elderly athletes and alcoholics. Give 5-6 doses every 2 hours in severe cases of emphysema.

CURARE 6– Short breaths, a short dry cough, and extremely distressing dyspnea when falling asleep, which poses a threat to ossification of respiration.

NAPHTHALINUM 30Dyspnea and sighing respiration, asthmatic emphysema in the elderly, persistent coughing fits that last for long periods of time, and tenacious expectoration are all symptoms of being unable to breathe.

SENEGA 30– Congestive oppressive attacks and weight on the chest in elderly asthmatics with chronic emphysema

STRYCHNINUM 30– Increased breathing, excessive dyspnea, chest muscles hurting when contracting sharply, and persistent cough

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